Sunday, March 22, 2015

Q & A With The 46th Ward Candidates

We've been asked by readers to provide more substantive coverage of the 46th Ward's candidates in the run-off election.  A few days ago, we approached the campaigns of both Amy Crawford and James Cappleman to ask if they would be willing to answer five questions about themselves, how they view the ward, and how they foresee its future. Below are their answers, just as they provided them to us. We thank both James and Amy for taking the time during this busy campaign season to answer our questionnaire.

You can click on each page image below for a larger, easier-to-read version.

Amy Crawford
UU Note: Here are clickable hyperlinks referenced by Amy in her responses: and

James Cappleman


  1. Two comments.

    To the champion vying to keep the title James Cappleman: Damn you were one hot Friar and when I think of Friars I think of roasts and Friar Tuck. (Bear don't get your hopes up. I'm straight.)

    To the contender Amy who is the equivalent of the ancient Greek concept of Moirai and seeks to be the white robed incarnation of Uptown's destiny I would like to suggest a logo for Team Amy.

    Friar versus Moirai! May the better candidate win!(That would be the former Friar by the way)

  2. Would Crawford give it up with the pigeons rhetoric already??


  3. I see the Lady MacBeth of Uptown politics is denying any connections to 'political figures of the past'. Realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly. Kaplan, Ali, Jesus People, ONE aren't somehow connected to political figures of the past? She didn't deny connections to Brendan Shiller or his lobbying firm just that her campaign didn't have any contracts with said firm. Look at her state disclosure forms she said. Wonderful next expenses forms don't have to be filed till April 15th. I wonder what they may yield. A week after the election too. Isn't that CONVENIENT.

    I see many people here and in other places are suggesting Cappleman is somehow a closeted Republican. REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY. Sure many of his donors gave money to Republicans. Interesting thing is many of Lady MacBeth's donors gave $$$$ to Rauner; Here is a short summary and I'm only scratching the surface. This is just from her Kirtland donors and if I continued with her other donors I'd find a whole lot more Rauner donations too. There are lots of Romney donations from her donors also. You remember Mitt? Mister 47%. Self made guy whose dad was a rich auto exec, governor and Presidential candidate.

    McCormick, Steven
    130 E. Oak St. #25A
    Chicago, IL 60611-1389 $500.00
    9/23/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McCormick, Steven
    130 E Oak St
    Chicago, IL 60611-1389
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $2,500.00
    10/17/2014 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford

    Echols, Barack
    300 N LaSalle
    Chicago, IL 60654-3406
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,500.00
    3/24/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Echols, Barack
    2510 Brookwood Dr
    Flossmoor, IL 60422-1828
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,500.00
    10/28/2014 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Echols, Barack
    2510 Brookwood Dr
    Flossmoor, IL 60422-1828
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,500.00
    1/27/2015 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Echols, Barack
    2510 Brookwood Drive
    Flossmoor, IL 60422-1828
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,100.00
    10/27/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc

    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N. Paulina
    Chicago, IL 60640
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $5,000.00
    6/28/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N. Paulina
    Chicago, IL 60640 $300.00
    9/11/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N Paulina St
    Chicago, IL 60640-4406
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $5,000.00
    12/30/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N Paulina St
    Chicago, IL 60640-4406
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $5,000.00
    1/30/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N Paulina St
    Chicago, IL 60640-4406
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $5,000.00
    9/24/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    McGaan, Andrew
    4732 N Paulina St
    Chicago, IL 60640-4406
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $2,500.00
    10/21/2014 Individual Contribution

    Too many characters will have to post a followup


  4. Friends of Amy Crawford
    Morris, Kevin
    3800 Dillon Ct
    Downers Grove, IL 60515-1574
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $500.00
    3/24/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Morris, Kevin
    3800 Dillon Ct
    Downers Grove, IL 60515-1574
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,500.00
    11/7/2014 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Myers, Linda
    300 N. LaSalle
    Chicago, IL 60654 $300.00
    9/18/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Myers, Linda
    2021 N Howe St
    Chicago, IL 60614-4413
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $5,000.00
    10/23/2014 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Slade, Michael
    841 N Ridgeland Ave
    Oak Park, IL 60302-1439
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $250.00
    9/18/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Slade, Michael
    841 N Ridgeland Ave
    Oak Park, IL 60302-1439
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,000.00
    12/10/2014 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Sprayregen, James
    521 Longwood Ave.
    Glencoe, IL 60022
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis $5,000.00
    9/18/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Sprayregen, James
    521 Longwood Ave.
    Glencoe, IL 60022-1736
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $5,000.00
    12/17/2013 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Sprayregen, James
    521 Longwood Ave.
    Glencoe, IL 60022-1736
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland and Ellis $10,000.00
    9/27/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Sprayregen, James
    521 Longwood Ave
    Glencoe, IL 60022-1736
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $2,500.00
    3/10/2015 Individual Contribution
    Friends of Amy Crawford
    Witt, Helen
    10560 S. Longwood Dr.
    Chicago, IL 60643-2667
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland Ellis $1,000.00
    3/13/2014 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for Rauner, Inc
    Witt, Helen
    10560 S Longwood Dr
    Chicago, IL 60643-2667
    Occupation: Attorney
    Employer: Kirkland & Ellis LLP $1,000.00

  5. I myself do not miss the disgusting bird crap spread all over the sidewalk every day followed by the bands of rats that came every night to pick up the scraps.

  6. I was expecting a blast at Crawford. Didn't find one. Nice job UU.

  7. Ya know every day I look around the Uptown web and find that someone has found something totally amazing about Amy Crawford. It's not there, but they find it. Her leadership is pragmatic and she's a proven leader. She's a progressive pragmatist who likes running and complexing problems. She's well rounded and inspiring and in no way divisive or perplexing.

    Her campaign is a case study in confusion. What's real and what's illusion? Who's being fooled? The politician, the voters or both? She's for an against casinos and low income housing. She wants to discuss cutting public pensions, yet public pensions are sacrosanct. Crime is up and crime is down.

    At the Wilson stop pro Amy flyers are being handed out by what's likely the remnants of the Shillerista/Couraj/ONE cop hating more low income housing coalition. I'm going to get off at Sheridan or Addison and I suspect I may be handed different flyers by a very different group of her supporters.


    By the way check out the evil nasty parody website that Amyistas are complaining about. I'm not behind it. I'm not involved with it. I will plug it though. Why? Because I'm an evil divider who has evilly divided the ward into divisions. Plus it's kinda funny at points. They haven't updated it in a few days. I'm jonesing for some more nasty satire.

  8. I forgot to compliment the Lady Macbeth allusion above. I'm picturing an Alderman Crawford standing before a bathroom sink trying to wash her hands of the politics of the past connections she denies.

    Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then
    'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky.—

    Now personally I like a bit of Hamlet for describing Team Amy..

    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

    Or perhaps my favorite Shakespeare quote of all.

    “One may smile, and smile, and be a villain. ”

    Then the quote that might best describe my ongoing IrishPirate schtick.

    “Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.”

    Oh yeah. "The Games afoot".
