Sunday, November 30, 2014

Permit For Cannabis Dispensary Requested At 5001-03 N. Clark

From Mat Olson with Winona Foster Carmen Winnemac Block Club (WFCW):

"Please take a look at this application for special permit. For or against please contact WFCW/Mat Olson at 773-301-4262 and  Alderman Ameya Pawar to voice your opinion.

This location does not meet the City requirements for a dispensary and the owners are asking for a special permit."

UU Note: This is the former Pie Hole Pizza location at Clark and Argyle.


  1. This is great news!

  2. Alderman Ameya Pawar staff are looking into all the details of the dispensary and will share them with the community.

    The residents within 250 feet of the proposed development, WFCW Block Club members, local business owners, and the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce will all have a vote on the proposed business.

    A meeting date will be announced and posted.

  3. I don't see why the public has to vote on something that is already law. We don't get to vote when prices of license plates or taxes go up, do we??

    1. It's not already law. This location is not zoned for use as a cannabis dispensary. Alderman Pawar will talk to the neighbors who live closest to the location to get their opinion on changing the zoning and granting a special use permit for this location only. He is not bound by their decision, but if he's wise----especially around election time----he will be guided by it.

  4. Is anywhere in Illinois zoned for cannabis dispensaries?? It's a pretty new law. As slowly as our lawmakers work, it'll probably be another 5 years before they get around to the zoning aspect of it...
