Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Buena Park Development News

From the latest Buena Park Neighbors newsletter:

"In keeping with his promise to acquire community input, Alderman Cappleman asked that Buena Park Neighbors host two meetings on new businesses coming into the neighborhood.
  • 4027 Broadway.  The first was a proposal for 20 apartments at 4027 N. Broadway (currently Ace Furniture).  The first meeting was on June 2nd.  At that meeting several issues were brought up (see the report @  The developer came back a week later with modifications that addressed the major concerns that included 1,000sf for retail on the first floor.  The neighbors present voted unanimously to approve the plan.  We are expecting to have the complete plans up on our website by the end of this week.
  • Proposed Hookah Lounge.  The Hookah Lounge meeting occurred on June 23rd and was overwhelmingly voted down.  The input from those present was that Buena Park is not a good market for this type of business and that the business plan was not well thought out.  Concerns about drawing patrons from both north and south of Buena Park and questionable projections for both costs and income were the main issues."


  1. Yeeah,

    1000 square feet of retail at the expense of some parking and/or another housing unit. Let's add that to the other vacant or underutilized property in Lincoln Park, Lakeview and Uptown. Been down Southport lately? How about Clark in Lincoln Park and Lakeview? We need market rate residences built and over time the retail will improve. It's not a chicken or egg question. It's a people move in and retail improves situation.

    Then the BP NIMBYs vote down the hookah bar........hoorahhhhh, I wouldn't want that fine looking vacant eyesore of a building to get any money put into it or have a functioning business. What the hell does the drawing patrons from north and south of Buena Park mean? Oh let me guess since most of the patrons would be from outside the neighborhood you don't want the business.

    I would use profanity right now, but what's the friggin use? Now I hate tobacco products and would never utilize any Hookah bar. I also have a visceral hatred of tattoos and have never gone into a tattoo parlor. Yet somehow I refrain from demanding that hookah bars and tattoo parlors be banned from existence.

    Why you ask. Because as big an asshole as I can be I don't believe I am the alpha and omega of what should or shouldn't be allowed. I leave that to the left wing busybodies such as Mary Magdalene over at Uptown Uprising and the more "moderate" property owning NIMBY horde. You idiots give me more reason for my misanthropic tendencies. Thankfully, I temper my misanthropy with blood donations and good works such as snow shoveling and yoga stretching in my front yard. I'm considering taking some twerking lessons from Littleton to improve my look in yoga pants.

    Do you idiots think that Andersonville businesses exist only on the patronage of Andersonville residents? Or Lincoln Square which arguably is the best overall neighborhood in the city? No they actually have people from outside their immediate vicinity shop and dine/drink there. What a concept.

    What do we have in Uptown. Well some businesses around Lawrence and Broadway. Then Target and maybe the reptile shop. That's it except for the occasional bar. I'm sure someone reading this has an aversion to reptiles...............quick change the zoning.........change the law. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.

    You members of the left wing horde and the NIMBY horde should be glad that Cappleman is the alderman. If I was I would be posting pictures of my buttock online and telling you all to pucker up. He has the patience for dealing with you. I would be tempted to quote a line involving Napalm that Robert Duvall uttered.
