Nature photographer Jerry Goldner, who has thrilled us with up-close-and-personal photos of Montrose Harbor's snowy owls and the Uptown Theater's peregrine falcons, will be featured on Chicago Tonight this evening.
"Jerry Goldner is crazy about owls. Illinois has nine species and Goldner has photographed them all, along with more than 200 other types of birds. Jay Shefsky tagged along with him recently as he photographed what may turn out to be Chicago’s last Snowy Owl sighting of the season."
The show will be on at 7pm and repeated at midnight on WTTW, and then available on WTTW's website.
You can see some of Jerry's photos that he's provided Uptown Update here.
Update: Here is the segment, shot at Montrose Harbor.
Merci beaucoop UU!!!