Friday, April 25, 2014

Buena No-Park-ing?

Parking is going to be a little, um, challenging in Buena Park for the next month, as a reader discovered Thursday.

Due to a water main project, there will be no street parking between 7am and 4pm Monday through Friday on many of Buena Park's streets until May 25th.

Our reader says, "From my brief trip looking for parking, I can say there is no parking on any street from Irving Park through at least Buena, including all of the side streets (Cuyler, Gordon Ter, etc).  This includes both Sheridan and Broadway. ... This is on top of Cubs games, plus they are still enforcing street sweeping this week."

At least there's still evening parking, and weekends, but there's no doubt that this is going to make a tough parking situation even worse between 7am and 4pm.  It would be nice if the owners of local parking lots would make some space available to residents during this time as a gesture of goodwill.

Update:  Ald. Cappleman tweeted Thursday afternoon, "Friday-water main construction on Sheridan,Irving to Buena-no road closure on Sheridan.Gordon Terr and Cuyler may be impassable."

Update:  We went over Friday to talk to the people at Curious Creatures, and there was plenty of parking on Broadway and on Buena.  West of Broadway, Gordon Terrace was closed off and work was being done. It may not be as bad as feared, at least judging by the first day of the project.

Update:  Ald. Cappleman has the exact streets where the water main will be replaced, and is working on parking solutions.  See his message here.


  1. This was a mad dash this morning and given how many cars remained on the street it will certainly be a profitable day for the city.

    Personally speaking I knew the project itself was going on, but had no idea that they would be doing such a large area at a single time. The Alderman had a paragraph in his newsletter and the city provided a notice, but it still made it seem like this would be staggered across the neighborhood.

  2. I'm sure the water mains need replacing, but I'm so much more excited that Sheridan will FINALLY get re-paved... you need 4-wheel drive to get down it on that stretch. IT actually needs to be resurfaced from Montrose to Addison, but I suppose we'll settle for this strip, after the nightmare that will be the construction process for the water main.

  3. Hi UU, bullet #2 is incorrect. I just walked over and can again confirm that there is no parking allowed on Broadway between Irving Park and Buena. This includes the area outside of Curious Creatures. Believe me, if it was just Sheridan it wouldn't have been as big of a deal. The signs are the same with the same restrictions (M-F; 7am to 4pm). Still waiting to hear back from the Alderman regarding parking this Monday
