Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Transforming Glimpse Inside The Uptown

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A reader sends us these photos from inside the Uptown Theatre:

"The Lawrence Avenue doors are open for the filming (of Transformers 4). Had to stand in awe for several minutes. My first glimpse in the 24 years I've lived here. You can see the proud glory under all of the decay." 

UU Note:  It's interesting to compare these to the sketch done of the inside of the theater in its first year of existence.  The bones are still there.

click to enlarge


  1. How old do we think that curtain is? It's looking like they may be filming some sort of "post-invasion" scene, and not like the invaders (I forgot what those stupid 'bot are called) are gonna blow something up. The Uptown can't take any more damage.
