Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vote For A Local Small Business: Uptown Cash Flash

Help choose an Uptown business to be the site of a Cash Flash on June 20th.  Uptown Business Partners writes:
"This is a unique opportunity for our community to come together to support local businesses in Uptown. One small business of your choosing will host a group of customers on the evening of June 20th, who will commit to spend $10-20.  These local shopping events are a great showcase for wonderful business community - check out last year's event at Shake Rattle and Read here.

Voting is simple, just visit www.uptownbusinesspartners.com and vote. No sign up necessary! Four businesses have been nominated, but if you'd like to suggest another Uptown business, please let us know on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BusinessPartners.Uptown).


  1. I would like to nominate the little corner store on Hazel and Montrose. Those guys are the best! They do so much to make their little store warm and inviting inside and outside. Everyone loves them. :)

  2. You need to leave a message for Business Partners on their Facebook. The link is in the story.
