Monday, April 29, 2013

46th Ward Participatory Budgeting Ballot

If you live in the 46th Ward, we encourage you to vote for up to six of the nine proposals eligible to receive a million dollars of the ward's menu moneyThis is the only week voting will be open, to all ward residents 16 and older.  Show up with an ID at the alderman's office (4544 N Broadway) Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 9am to 5pm; Wednesday 9am to 7pm; and Friday 9am to noon.  You can also vote this Saturday at Uplift High School, 900 W Wilson, between 10am and 2pm.

If there's a particular proposal you feel strongly about, send us something explaining why it should get your neighbors' votes.  We ran one yesterday about #7 (traffic calming on Leland). We'll run one blurb for each proposal.  Dazzle us!

But the most important thing is, get over to the Ward Office or Uplift and VOTE! Here's a sample copy of the ballot you'll be using:


  1. check here:

  2. Uptown just put in 30 bike racks this week. I think there could be a better use of our tax payer money at this point

  3. Agree with jon-
    We need more lighting,safety, cameras and cleanup..

  4. While I appreciate spreading the word and community involvement of this, I've received "robo calls" from Gene Tenner from the phone number 773-231-7731. It's a Google Voice registered number that of course has nobody picking up the other end when called back. His message indicates the message is paid for by "" which lists a contact number of 312-636-3066...which of course nobody picks up on.

    First world problems, I know (and yes, I am/have been on the do not call list), but I feel like we're back in election season!

  5. Alexander, I received a robo call on my cell phone this morning even though I am also on a do not call list.

    Nonetheless, I still plan on voting at the alderman's office tomorrow after work.

  6. I think the SherMon plaza not only will make traffic issues worse but provide a place for gang-affliated individuals to congregate. Is that what we need in Uptown?

  7. Robo calls are akin to kicking puppies, in my book.

    Alexander, try reaching Gene via email:

  8. @Maria- so better development projects for our community will increase gang violence?
    So keeping it vacant is better?

  9. I definitely plan on voting, regardless of nuisance-some robo calls. And yes, emailed Gene as reply there either.
