Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

A reader sent in these photos and says:  "So I was jumping on the bus at Wilson and Broadway and noticed these new antenna-like devices with little cone shaped thingies on them. Would we happen to know what this is?  Some new street monitoring equipment?  They are on the South West corner."

Anyone know?


  1. Perhaps the new gunshot detecting devices. announced last week.

  2. The label on the boxes say something about traffic observation cameras. Maybe something to do with the wilson station remodel, to see how traffic behaves in that area.

  3. If those are cameras on top of them, then they must have stolen the technology from apple... Those are one hella small cameras.

    It appears, from reports at the Alderman's Office, that they believe they are traffic monitoring devices, though they look like something from Mars.

  4. While they may be for traffic data collection, they are not for gunshot detection. I use the latter in my line of work/military application - those are readily identifiable by the presence of 3 or more microphones (usually more) off of a single pole/hoist. This is such that the sounds can be triangulated and the source point of firing can be determined.

  5. Drug traffic, vagrant traffic, gang banger traffic or car traffic monitoring?

  6. It's a temporary device to measure traffic. Nothing more.
