Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vintage Bazaar This Weekend Includes Aragon Tours

One of our historic venues turns into a shopping mall this weekend.

The debut of "The Vintage Bazaar," which takes over the Aragon on the second Sunday of the month, June through September, is on June 10th, noon to 5pm.

There will be more than 100 vendors inside the Aragon, with unique goods.  You can see a vendor list here, at Racked Chicago.

There will be 13 food trucks, too.

And -- there will be free guided architecture tours of the historic Aragon Ballroom with market admission on June 10, departing every half hour from the Aragon lobby from 1pm-5pm.  Legendary tour guide Al Walavich will conduct them.

It's $5 admission, and kids under 12 are free.  But if you act today, you can get a season pass (regularly $20) for $10, through Groupon.  Click here to buy.

Lots of us have complained that there's no good shopping close to home.  This summer, between this and the Vintage Garage, which will be taking place on the third Sunday of the month, there will be plenty.  Enjoy, and show prospective retail tenants that Uptown is able and eager to support them.


  1. In only the owners of the Aragon, whom I believe is JAM productions, would fix up and clean up their parking lot at Lawrence and Winthrop. I thought the Alderman had negotiated that to be all fixed up when it was found out they never had proper permitting for that lot under the previous Alderman...what ever happened to that promise?

  2. JAM doesn't own the Aragon. I've seen crews out there sweeping the lot and the sidewalks and the curbs.

    The lot is not that bad, your over-griping. The wind never stops blowing....

    and the litterbugs never stop throwing...

    Just a thought if you want perfection oil up your nifty-nabbers,grab a bag and get to work. And enjoy the vintage sale....

    If we become an entertainment district....I. think we will there will be the good and the bad. More bizness, more nuisances. Some are cool with it....some will just bitch.

  3. Well said Littleton Arts. This bazaar is great for our neighborhood, right along with rib fest, pizza fest, and pride launching from Uptown for the first time. The positives of all the people coming to our neighborhood definitely outweigh any negatives. Having an Alderman who recognizes this is a very good thing.

  4. LOL Mr. Littleton, if you did not comment on every single post, where would we be without you. The previous horrible alderman, Shiller, let JAM get away without proper permitting for that parking lot. It looks like crap. There was a deal made with Alderman Cappleman that it would be given the proper permits and then they would be responsible for cleaning up, refencing and resurfacing the lot.

    I understand you may not understand all of the responsibilities of Owning Property. One of the major ones is keeping it clean, proper permitting and being a good neighbor. I hope one day you have the chance to learn that yourself.

  5. Okay, let's comment about Uptown and not the other commenters. Not singling anyone out, but it's getting chronic lately across the board.

  6. Point well taken CN

    I just walked by the Aragon literally two minutes ago. There were a couple loose pieces of litter but that is about it. The Aragon has sent out cleaning crews of 6-8 people at a time and the clean the whole shabang. Just calling it like I see it.
    Anybody is welcome to check me on this but as of 3:30pm today the lot looks fine.
    Will they win a Good Housekeeping and Gardening award...doubt it.
    No offense taken its all good. If the lot is that bad then photo-document it. But what do I know eh?
    Chip chip cheerio!

  7. It is not just about the litter, if you bothered to read my initial post. It says FIX UP and clean up..that means fixing the fences that are falling all over the place, repaving and line painting. Mow the grass under the billboards, etc, etc. Making it look like a parking lot in any other Ward.

    That was the promise that was made. Garbage is one thing. Living by a ghetto looking parking lot when we no longer have to is another.

    Just because we live in Uptown does not mean we have to have substandard amenities. That day has passed. Whomever owns that lot, needs to step up and become a much better neighbor.

    And one final item. Walk by the parking lot on the morning after a concert, go down Winthrop, etc, and see all the crap that is flying around and lying around then...

  8. One of the reasons the parking lot sidewalks look ok is because I am always cleaning it up myself. Trash in the curb, blocking the sewer and trash inside the parking lot as well.
