Thursday, April 26, 2012

Uptown Part Of New Garbage Pick-Up Plan

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Most of Uptown will be part of the first wave of the new grid-based system of City garbage pick-up that will begin later this year.  According to the Sun-Times, 
Five North Side wards have been chosen as guinea pigs for a change Mayor Rahm Emanuel hopes will save the city $60 million a year at the risk of alienating homeowners and aldermen — by switching from a ward-by-ward to a grid system for collecting Chicago’s garbage.

Last summer, Emanuel asked consultants to “develop a route system” for garbage collection that creates an “equitable workload for drivers” without regard to ward boundaries. The goal was to bring Chicago’s $225-per-ton cost closer to the $135 per ton spent in other major cities. ... Now, the city has chosen five North Side wards to be the first to take the plunge: the 40th, 46th, 48th, 49th and 50th.
Most businesses, and buildings of five or more units, pay for their own private waste services, so the new grid system won't affect those.   For the entire Sun-Times story, click here.

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