Saturday, March 31, 2012

Congratulations, Commander Boehmer

According the Sun-Times, as part of the command shake-up at the police department Friday, "Kathleen Boehmer, former commander in the Town Hall district, was promoted to deputy chief of detectives."  We wish her all the best in her new role and with her expanded responsibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing Commander Boehmer all the best--she deserves it, and any government employee can learn things from that incredible woman. I once fired out an e-mail to a bunch of people--including her--about recurring fights on our corner. I was stunned to get a call 5 minutes later...from Commander Boehmer herself. I don't know how she managed to juggle things at the old Town Hall District, but I have immense respect for her for doing it and for keeping the job of serving the public most important.

    A tip of the hat to her.
