From Ald. Osterman: "This week, my office hosted the first ever 48th Ward Business Night. Almost 100 members of the business community gathered at Bananas Foster. I presented my new economic development strategy for the Ward, results from our Consumer Survey taken this summer, the new community process for zoning and planning approvals, and financing tools available through the City of Chicago. The great energy in the room re-emphasized that the 48th Ward is a dynamic place to do business and full of many possibilities. We distributed the brand new 48th Ward business marketing plan. To receive a hard or digital copy, please contact my office."
From Ald. Cappleman: "On August 23rd, 2011, Alderman Cappleman held the first 46th Ward Town Hall event at Weiss Memorial Hospital. It was attended by over one hundred residents, while many more followed the Alderman’s Twitter feed, @JamesCappleman, for live updates. Below is a link to the minutes of the meeting and the content of the Q&A portion of the event. This includes answers to questions that were submitted but not answered due to time constraints." Click on the link for an eight-page PDF of the meeting, and updates about everything from Sonic to Sedgwick to the Wilson el.
We are amazed at the free flow of information from all three aldermen and marvel at the difference that's occurred in just under four months.
We went from one alderman who rarely put out a email blast, one who put out a monthly newsletter, and one who sent out weekly updates, to three aldermen who send out news every week, hold community meetings, and solicit residents' opinions. This is we've been hoping for, and while we may not agree with every opinion and action, we are thrilled to be included in the process.
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