Monday, September 26, 2011

Hit & Run Sedan On Camera

This is the car that police believe killed a pedestrian on the 4700 block of Sheridan this weekend, by first striking her and then backing over her.  Chicago Breaking News says"A nearby camera captured the image of a light-colored sedan traveling south on Sheridan Road, according to a community alert. The front of the vehicle may have front end damage. Anyone with information on the accident is asked to call the police's Major Accident Investigation Unit at(312) 745-4521."

If you have any information at all about the incident, please call the cops about it.

Update:  A reader has combined the two images and taken out the color contamination.  The car is believed to be a Buick Park Avenue.  Please keep an eye out for it.


  1. I was trying to figure this out yesterday. At first, because of the hood I was thinking older jaguar, but after the combining of the images, I am thinking Buick too. Nice work to the reader that put the pictures together!
