Thursday, August 11, 2011

An 'El Of A Fire In Buena Park

A reader sends in information about a very disturbing turn of events last night:

"I live on the 4200 block of Kenmore.  Apparently overnight someone torched my neighbor's garbage cans.  Witnesses said the flames shot all the way up to the el tracks and the Red Line service was disrupted (perhaps that was the goal?).  A car parked next to the cans was severely damaged by the fire and the subsequent necessary fire department actions.

Does anyone have any more info on this?  I see no news on this and is seems to be a rather newsworthy event (someone touching the el).  With all the action out in the alley this summer, my neighbors are now starting to talk about getting all the west side Kenmore condo associations to band together and install nighttime cameras to monitor alley activity."

Anyone got any further information?


  1. I am the most recent victim of crime in the buena park alley: my car is parked in the challenger park parking lot and was broken into Tuesday night. Given that I park just 20 ft away from where the shooting occured just a few weeks ago, it looks like cameras and bright lighting are our only option. I am strongly opposed to big brother activity, so it truly makes me sad that we need to resort to these measures just to protect ourselves.

  2. I was up late and had my window open and smelled smoke and heard popping sounds, so I grabbed my phone and went out to look, saw the fire and called 911. I initially thought the car itself was on fire but after speaking with the cops they informed me it was the trashcans on the other side of the car. I didn't see anyone or hear anything before it all started so I have no idea how it happened. Just glad that I stay up late and had firefighters as parents :)

  3. This is the 3rd alley fire that has been set over the past few weeks. A discarded futon was set ablaze and it torched the back entrance of a building. Then a couple weeks ago, a truck was demolished when a box of books was set on fire and shoved under the truck's crankcase. Serial arson?

  4. About 10 years ago there was a serial arsonist in Lake View that was lighting garbage cans on fire in the middle of the night. It was one of those stories that grabbed headlines for a couple of weeks, then it disappeared.

  5. This was the third fire in recent weeks? Sad, but yes, I think Cameras are needed.
