Friday, July 22, 2011

Two Shot On Kenmore In Robbery Attempt

via Chicago Tribune:
A man and woman were shot in their car by a man who attempted to rob them early this morning on the North Side, police said.

A man in his 30s was shot in the abdomen and was taken in serious condition to Illinois Masonic Hospital, said Police News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro. His companion, a woman in her 20s, was shot in a shoulder and abdomen and also was in serious condition.

The couple was sitting in a vehicle shortly after 4 a.m. when the gunman approached on foot in the 4100 block of North Kenmove Avenue in the Buena Park neighborhood and tried to rob them, police said.

No one was in custdoy, and Area 3 detectives were investigating.


  1. It is not getting any safer in Chicago with the poor economy that keeps getting worse. Not a good idea to be hanging outside late nights anymore. At least you can protect yourself with Mr. Smith & Wesson in your home. I also know it is against the law to keep a firearm inside your vehicle but I rather have a jury in court decide my destiny then a robber that wants to send me to the funeral home.

  2. Hmmmmmm, how is the economy getting worse? Seems pretty good to me---90%+ employment, the DOW has recovered nicely and is near the 52 week high, housing prices are a bargain (especially for the people who are buying).... YES, many in the housing market have lost $$ but that is if they sold NOW when prices are at records lows and most know NEVER to sell with anything is at it's low. RENTs are also going UP UP UP. So HOW is the economy getting worse?

  3. Well, now I know what woke me up.

  4. Wiseguy -

    We may have more rights than you think...,0,2641629.story

    This case should open the doors to any self defense case involving a victim using a firearm to fend off an attacker. I'd say conceal and carry is a green light.

  5. If i had to guess, robbed while waiting to and/or in the process of buying drugs.

    And really, the national economy has little to do with what has plagued Uptown for decades. Too many social services in too small of an area. Hoping this problem is still on the Alderman's radar.

  6. Come On really?? At 4AM, what were they doing going to work and carpooling? Don't think so. Good point Alek.. There is more to this story that has not been told yet.. That is what I can think of.. They were probably in the process of buying drugs and got robbed..

  7. this is the closest to my house that there has been a shooting. great. this is only a block and a half from my, I live on Kenmore by Irving. it's not surprising, the area has been tagged by graffiti repeatedly and was only removed just recently after several 311 calls.

    the increased police patrols in the problem 'areas' could be pushing the thugs into other areas where they feel they can go about their BS.

  8. there probably is more to the story. i mean i would drive away if i could lol.

  9. Our employment rates is not at 90% +. That number is overstated because the US Bureau of Labor Statistics who determines our level of unemployment does not take into account people who’ve given up looking for a job, discouraged workers, or take into account people who’ve had their hours cut back, or can only find part time employment. People who work less than 40 are counted as fully employed.

  10. Not that the unemployment rate has much to do with the topic at hand, but even if the employment rate were 90%, that still leaves 10% unemployment (not counting dogwalker's numbers).

    Ask a member of that 10% how the economy is doing.

    The gov't recently spent upwards of $1T to keep the unemployment rate under 8%.

    The nation is teetering on a default which would/could spike interest rates across the board.

    If housing prices are down, and rents are still going up, up, up ... seriously, Taylor ... if this economy looks good to you, that's awesome.

    I guess it's simply unfortunate that not everyone can live in your world.

  11. My guess is there is also more to the story. Hey anyone know what happend around 5:30pm around Buena and Broadway. There were Police Cars on every corner for a 2 block square radius going a block east and 2 blocks north.

  12. I wish the tribune would report this as a shooting in Wrigleyville. They always point out Uptown when anything happens between Montrose and Foster. Considering the stabbings and shootings near Wrigley, Uptown and Edgewater aren't such bad places to live and visit.

  13. Well, there could be more to this...BUT to defend those who go to work early in the A.M. I'm one of those people. Not all of us choose to have 9 to 5 jobs. I work @ one of the Uptown hospitals and I'm obligated to be at work early in the morning. That does not make me a drug user/buyer. But back to the point, this shooting could be a question mark...but then again people DO go out on the weekdays. AND to add, that time of the night they're are a LOT of questionable people walking the streets, trust me I see them.

  14. My advice is to be VERY aware of your surroundings.

  15. Lord knows it's a free country, but in my opinion you'd have to be nuts to be 'out' in Uptown at that hour.

    And that is so, so sad.

  16. Is there any additional information on this article? Would I be able to get more information at the next CAPS meeting?

  17. Economy's fault again eh?

    The economy isn't great. But it sure is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

    I sure am tired of hearing everyone blame everything on the economy and the government. Sure, they both suck, but they are not stopping you from succeeding. If someone can't figure out a way to move up in the world, or at least gain some sort of basic employment, then they just are not trying hard enough!

    There are always exceptions (people with disability or need for social services and structure) but those folks aside, c'mon!

    Too many people sitting back and griping about the economy instead of being proactive. I went to school and studied Operations Management in hoped of managing some sort of production or manufacturing operation. Now, I am a career researcher. I had to do a complete 180 degree turn and change fields to find work. The economy collapsed three or four years ago. It's time to get over it.
