Friday, July 22, 2011

About Last Night...

A reader writes in:
"I was walking out to my car last night around 7PM after picking up some groceries at the Jewel at Montrose/Sheridan when two shots were fired from the parking lot.

Everyone in the parking lot hit the ground, including me.  Several people reached for ther cell phones to call 911.  Two African-American males ran past my parked car (which I was hiding behind) and I heard one of them yell "Why's he shooting, why's he shooting?"

Once the police arrived, several of us stayed around to relay our versions of what happened.  During that, I learned from another witness that the same two African American males were having a confrontation with a Hispanic male over what appeared to be a drug deal.  A punch was thrown and then the Hispanic male pulled out the gun and started shooting.

I didn't see this story on the news this morning and do not have any updates on if they were all caught."


  1. What a frightening situation without a doubt. Guns are obviously as common as cell phones here in Uptown.

    Yet another reason why I don't like this store.

  2. The other day prior to this reported incident, I was at Jewel and found it very strange to see a woman in a "Security" vest socializing with a guy near the back of the parking lot that I see thugging up and down Wilson and Broadway all the time and have personally witnessed selling drugs.

    They were hanging out when I got there, and hanging out when I left 20 mins later.

    Those security guards are paid to do a job. If she was "on break", perhaps take off the vest so as not to give a false sense of security?

    Granted they are not Police, but Jewel is kidding themselves if they think they are getting their money's worth with all their so called Security people.

  3. I stopped going to that Jewel when I was aggressively panhandled in my car in the parking lot, before I'd even turned the motor off. The security guard did nothing, although he was standing right there. I went in and talked to a manager, who looked surprised anyone was complaining and said he'd speak to the security guard about it.

    After I got done shopping, I left, and the same guy was aggressively panhandling people in another car that had just pulled in. The security guard was 10 feet away and just watched the whole thing.

    Buh-bye, Montrose Jewel. I started spending my money at the Andersonville Jewel and the Foster/Broadway Dominick's instead.

  4. TSN, I hear yah....the Dominick's at Foster is a delight!

  5. I also really like the new jewel on Southport.

  6. I feel like answering that great question.

    I believe the gentleman is shooting for various reasons.

    He is a criminal.
    He is up to no good.
    Why are you near him then?
    If you know the first two statements to be true then why are you surprised, people with loaded guns are unpredictable.
    They arent wondering why he has a gun just wondering why he is shooting it.

  7. I just thought it would be fun to answer the rhetorical question the two youths running were asking themselves

  8. I agree so far with all the posts -- the Jewel on Montrose and Sheridan is a dump. No amount of 're-design' they did a year or so did any good.

    Instead, I go all the way to the new Jewel on Southport. Indoor parking, clean, pleasant people. All in all a real nice shopping experience.

  9. Going to have to agree with the dumpiness of the Montrose Jewel especially compared to the beautiful one on Southport. I want to support my local market as much as the next person, but when all I see is moldy "fresh" berries and a fairly frequent security threat I see no reason to give them my money. I hoped the Target and Aldi would whip them into shape but sadly that hasn't happened.

  10. Oh good lord, people. Yes, we ought to have a sparkly-fresh Montrose/Broadway Jewel with great stock and no anti-social or criminal behavior problems...but how many of you were around when you couldn't get a shopping cart past the building entrance gates, you had to steer around pillars wrapped with sheet aluminum literally in the center of aisles, shelves were half-stocked with no choices between brands or sizes, and you regularly found things like half-eaten containers of grapes in the middle of the dry laundry detergent?!? I used to call it the "Ghetto Jewel" for a good reason--and if you don't feel safe there now, you would have run in terror back then.

    That Jewel has undergone at least three remodelings since that time, it is FAR better-stocked and operated, and it is *vastly* improved. Is it like the Roscoe Village Jewel or the Lake View Jewel? Obviously not, but is this Roscoe Village or Lake View?

    I am frankly surprised and dismayed to see some people writing in here that they have taken their shopping elsewhere--especially since we have a continuous discussion in UU about the need to support business in Uptown and the imperative to call 911 to flag problem spots for the police. For the people who are grumbling, let me ask you this: have you spoken directly to the Jewel managers at Montrose/Broadway to suggest changes or make requests? Did you CALL 911 when you should have instead of simply asking a poverty-wage private "security" guard to check the parking lot? It appears to me that there's a lot of lip service about "we need to do something" about our crime and business problems, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, a lot of us won't take the bull by the horns and do more than grumble in UU that we don't like what we see. Yes, I noticed the comments regarding a conversation or two with the store manager...that's good, but who is turning up the pressure on the store manager and the corporate offices to take action? Who needs to be reminded that nothing is simple in Uptown and that we get nothing unless we make a stink about fixing the neighborhood's problems?

  11. Thank you Bear60640!

    I was hoping I wasn't the only one turned off by these comments. Very contradictory to the general theme of 'bringing more business to Uptown and keeping local business afloat'.

  12. "
    I am frankly surprised and dismayed to see some people writing in here that they have taken their shopping elsewhere--especially since we have a continuous discussion in UU about the need to support business in Uptown and the imperative to call 911 to flag problem spots for the police. For the people who are grumbling, let me ask you this: have you spoken directly to the Jewel managers at Montrose/Broadway to suggest changes or make requests? Did you CALL 911 when you should have instead of simply asking a poverty-wage private "security" guard to check the parking lot? It appears to me that there's a lot of lip service about "we need to do something" about our crime and business problems, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, a lot of us won't take the bull by the horns and do more than grumble in UU that we don't like what we see. Yes, I noticed the comments regarding a conversation or two with the store manager...that's good, but who is turning up the pressure on the store manager and the corporate offices to take action? Who needs to be reminded that nothing is simple in Uptown and that we get nothing unless we make a stink about fixing the neighborhood's problems? "


  13. In simply evaluating the store, the Montrose Jewel is definitely better than the Clark/Ashland/Catalpa store. We shop at the latter because it's literally across the street from our house, but if the two were equidistant, I'd pick Montrose.

    However, I do think that the security guard at any establishment should actually provide security.

  14. Just curious as to how many of the regular posters here accomplish most of their daily/weekly errands, like grocery shopping/drug store/hardware store, etc. via foot/the el (and maybe a tricked-out shopping cart.)

    I've lived here quite happily without a car for 12 years, but sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one.

  15. if you can afford to have a car and drive to a different, prettier Jewel that lives up to its glittery name, you can afford to live by that Jewel. the people firing guns, and other regular non-gun-toting poor people like me, have to take what we can get. i don't have a car. thankfully, i suppose, i live closer to the Foster Dominicks and Bryn Mawr Jewel.

    i'm using this website as a way to get to know my new-ish neighborhood (lived here 8 months) and along with the good updates, i'm finding a lot of bad, and a lot of unnecessary negativity in the comments. unfortunate.

  16. I don't know what you're all complaining about. I shop at that Jewel all the time. It's fine, but for the high prices. Jeesh.

  17. I have lived here with no car for years. The money I save is ridiculous, and the exercise I get in exchange? It's like getting paid to stay fit.

  18. Toucan,

    You're not alone! Here is a small list of why I choose to be carless..

    I have NO worries about:

    -finding parking
    -paying for parking
    -having your car broken into/vandalized
    -gas prices
    -city stickers
    -license plate stickers
    -the thousands needed for the initial purchase
    -the boot
    -shoveling it out in the winter
    -other traffic/congestion
    -bad drivers/accidents

    The list could keep going. With I-Go and ZipCar, riding a bike, walking, the CTA and cabs what logical reason exists to own your own car? Sorry if you decided to work more than 10 miles away from home, kind of your problem. Sure, some people NEED a car for work again, sorry, kind of their problem.

    Cars and Urban living do not mix, that's why we have the suburbs. I can only DREAM of what our city/state would look like if the millions that are poured into roadway maintenance/construction were poured into schools, parks, and alternative transportation developments.

    Another apology, got a little off topic and ranty, oops..

  19. Hal - have you checked out the Ashland/Clark Jewel's (that's the proper Chitown pronunciation, right?) lately? They've put in new features including an expanded produce department. I've shopped there for many years and have always been pleased with the service.

    I suppose I'm in the minority here regarding the Montrose Jewel's, but to make a very long story short, one of the local "characters" hanging out in the lot one day turned out to be a true "Good Samaritan." Can't always judge a book by the cover, people!

  20. Toucan, I do. I do pretty much all my grocery shopping at the Lincoln/Grace Trader Joe's, even though I live a block from this Jewel. The prices and quality at TJ's are simply miles better, so it's well worth the bus ride.

  21. @Gayle, we typically just refer to a jewel as Jewel. No 's on the end. :)

  22. CTP - Then I guess you're not a fan of Nick Digilio, weekend night-owl at WGN Radio and former stockboy at the Clark/Ashland "Jewel's."

    It's classic Chicagoese, along with "over by dere" and "Da Bears."

  23. Sorry, Bear, but I'm not spending my money ANYWHERE that allows and encourages panhandling on its premises, as the Montrose Jewel does. I have the right to park my car without someone running up and pounding on my window even before I've gotten the engine turned off.

    I should reward this bad customer service by spending money there? No.

    I talked to manager about it, who said he'd speak to the security guard, and it STILL went on. In a tight economy, I'm not spending my money at any place like that. I also wrote to Jewel's corporate office to let them know exactly why I was taking my business somewhere else.

    There's supporting local businesses, and there's supporting good businesses. Ideally, the two are the same.

    But when they're not, I will take my money out of Uptown. I have the right to shop without being harassed.

    Let's put it this way: You promise your kid a trip to Disneyland for making the Honor Roll. The kid doesn't make the Honor Roll. You take the kid to Disneyland anyway.

    Do you think the kid will ever make the Honor Roll after that?

    I do support many Uptown businesses and am on a first-name basis with many of them. Uptown is always my first choice. But when it's a poorly run business, as I feel the Montrose Jewel is, I'm outta there.
