Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mind The Pigeon Droppings

A reader sends in the following pic and info:
"Your readers will be glad to know the reason the sidewalk outside the Wilson L is constantly covered in pigeon poo: You're looking at the back of the woman who feeds them! My neighbor had mentioned a confrontation he had with an Asian-American woman who was dumping bags of breadcrumbs under the tracks a few months back. He told her this was unsanitary and he would call the police. She did not care. This is obviously the same woman. I saw her today with a large shopping bag full of bread crumbs that she was dumping for the pigeons. All this just steps from Alderman Shiller's office. Remember she wanted to fine people $1,000 for feeding pigeons? It must not be important enough to enforce outside her office, but it is illegal. Maybe our new alderman can help enforce this. I hope you're readers will keep an eye out for the pigeon-feeder."


  1. I wonder if it's the same person who dumps bread crumbs outside the Jewel at Montrose at the 36 bus stop on Broadway. It's a problem there as well.

  2. I have a similar problem in my neck of the woods of Rogers Park.
    There is some nut always leaving bread in a bag by the Wayne Senior Building.I am always throwing it away.

    The pigeon guy of Lincoln Square is dead now, thank god....

    This too shall pass....

  3. I wish this was posted earlier today. I would have asked Helen about it when I saw her at Ba Le grabbing lunch.

  4. Also there is a person(s) who live in the apartment on the SE corner of Foster and sheridan who constantly drop bags of stale hamburger buns onto the sidewalk below. Never looking or caring who might be walking by, cause I've almost had a bunch fall directly on my head.

  5. Someone also feeds pigeons at Leland/Broadway and at the Lawrence stop. They eat the breadcrumbs, fly into the Lawrence stop rafters and then poop on oncoming CTA patrons.

    Eat, fly, poop.

  6. Actually, there is a city ordinance forbidding people to feed the pigeons...there's a sign posted at the Jewel parking lot.

  7. This lady was in the northeast corner of the parking lot at the Lawrence stop on Sunday feeding the pigeons with a giant bag as described above. I thought it was a very strange thing to do. Then again, this is Uptown, where strange is the norm.

  8. Follow her home and dump a few bags of bread crumbs on her porch. Maybe that will get her attention.

  9. Of course this is beyond disgusting.

    Hard to believe our 46th Ward office initiated a proposed fine for feeding pigeons? How many people, I wonder, were actually fined? I wish more effort was aimed at addressing crime, blight, and failed retail.

    But come to think of it, a 'pooping pigeon' can't really register a complaint......or vote, as far as I know.

  10. They're probably fattening up those flying rats for a future pigeon stew.

  11. Jeffo, your comment about the pigeon guy is pretty distrurbing. You thank God he is dead? Are you actually happy he was struck by a car and killed? I am annoyed by you and I certainly don't wish you were dead. The pigeon guy was named Joseph, and he was actually a really nice guy.

  12. create an electronic device that keeps the pigeons away. and make money.

  13. I live in the Edgewater/Rogers Park area and, I swear, there is a smorgasborg for pigeons underneath the Metra tracks. I've seen piles of rice, bread, and other menu items. We have signs posted prohibiting feeding of pigeons and warning of fines, but to no avail. The Uptown birdlover must have a relative in my neighbourhood.
