Greg Hinz writes in his blog that he got a response from Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) about why he donated ten large to Molly Phelan's campaign and to other city council campaigns.
Not to worry, Ald. Reilly says, it's all innocent. Read it here (scroll down - it's currently the third item on the page).
I am joining Star Fleet. Here come the Rahmulans!
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who don't realize why UU put up a Yellow Dog photo with this post read this.
ReplyDeleteIt was linked in an earlier thread.
Woof. Woof. Woof.
Bad dog. Sit, sit.
IP, what is your point?
ReplyDeleteIn other election news, Emily Stewart is endorsing Cappleman.
ReplyDeleteSomeone paint me a picture... literally! So and so is connected with so and so, who is so and so's friend, etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteMaybe then I'd be able to tell how "innocent" this $10K donation is.
Molly's a politically ambitious lawyer...this is what politically ambitious lawyers do; they network. Molly has somewhat of an advantage having been literally raised in this environment. This is not necessarily nefarious. I can empathize with James' supporters who are resentful that his efforts and accomplishments aren't universally lauded and that he wasn't swept into office on a landslide. That said, it behooves us to maintain the high road. That via elevata is what sets James apart from the rest.
ReplyDeleteWell Jason changed his screen name to Gran-Pappy. Now he's Captain Picard.
ReplyDeleteHe has more internet identities than a yellow dog.
My point, Jason, is that the Phelan campaign is imploding. Let me put it in a way Captain Picard might understand.
Self Destruct in 33 Days...enable.
The silly mistakes in the Phelan campaign are amazing. Going all the way to working for Terry O'Brien to the latest Reilly stuff are amazing.
Discipline wins elections. Phelan is running a terribly undisciplined campaign. It's one misstep after another. It's like me dancing naked at an Irish Step Dancing contest. You have to turn away in horror.
I would like to apologize for putting that image into some of your minds.
I would also like to apologize to James Cappleman for any votes I just cost him because of said image.
*Well Jason changed his screen name to Gran-Pappy. Now he's Captain Picard.* Yes, having a little fun with the Rahmulan thing IP, Home with a terrible fever I think I am losing it. Watching Star Trek reruns from Netflix.
ReplyDeleteThanks for making your point. I didn't feel like reading all of YDDs posts.
Why is Terry O'Brian bad? I don't really know anything about him.
If this were a movie what would it be?
ReplyDelete"When Brendan Met Molly"
"Brendanator 4: Election Day"
"Brendan and Molly Go To White Castle"
"Saving Candidate Phelan":
Where an intrepid band of overweight balding Irish pols land at Montrose Beach and move on Broadway and Wilson. Only to be turned back by "fisticuffs" outside Uplift School.
Now for Cappleman I'll go with a Sean Connery/James Bond combo.
"The Man Who Would be Alderman"
"From Uptown with Love"
"Saving Cappleman"
"Campaigns are Forever"
"The Wind and the Yellow Dog"
"Never Say Never Again"
"Uptown James and the last Crusade"
@Mr. Pirate
ReplyDelete>> My point, Jason, is that the Phelan campaign is imploding.
All the old stuff that was imploding during the main election (brochures without fine print, outside money, bad choices in previous elections, FWY disclosures, overzealous campaign workers) didn't seem to stop Molly's campaign. Frankly, I was surprised that James came in as low as he did, given his "incumbent" status and name recognition. I chalk it up to some really solid door-to-door campaigning by Molly & her volunteers and the ability to get her name out to potential voters (clearly, money still matters).
I have no doubt that Cappleman will get a load of endorsements since he has been plugged in to the community for so long (Stewart coming out today will be nice for him, but only if they can get those same people to the polls), but not sure this perceived Molly implosion will have a dramatic effect on the swing vote here, who do not have the profile of the wonkish UU followers we know and love.
Unless James pulls in endorsements from Kaplan, Carroll, Stewart (and, crucially, he can get those people to the voting booth) AND his supporters get out en masse to do the hard door-to-door work and supply him with the funds he needs to combat an opponent flush with cash, I think this is going to be an extremely tight race with fairly low turnout. As a Cappleman supporter, I wonder if they might have been a tad overconfident in the first round; hopefully they won't make that mistake in the next few weeks.