Friday, February 4, 2011

Reunited (And It Feels So Good)

Fewer than 40 cars remain unclaimed only one day after city tow trucks relocated cars abandoned on Lake Shore Drive to Uptown’s Wilson Avenue parking lot. Standard Parking employees stayed at the lot to jumpstart and gas cars until 11:00 this evening. 
A police command van and squads continue to guard the lot ...just in case any "entrepreneurs" get any ideas.


  1. My mom and I got her car back from where it was placed at Chicago ave and LSD yesterday. It was weird, her car was the closest to the lake on Chicago Ave facing east.

    Wheels had to be realigned.
    The cars look like they had been put through the ringer and had been tossed there, but overall they looke in decent shape.

    A guy had a checklist of all the cars and such and a couple of cops were there, they were very nice and were supportive of what my mom had gone through being trapped on LSD until she was pulled out of her car at 330am. Weird situation.

    I wanted to go get her myself but the conditions and visibility were so poor that I didnt. She didnt want me out there either.

    Tough situation, but everything turned out okay. She was on LSD just past Oak street Beach where the lake is closest to the drive.

  2. You can check out photos from after/during the storm here
