Saturday, February 26, 2011

Police Ask Business Owners To Register Security Cameras

This is from ActionUptown, written and distributed by Ald. Mary Ann Smith's office:

"The CHICAGO Plan is a Chicago Police Department initiative that works with the business community to attack crime and gang offenses and to help make Chicago a safer city. The CHICAGO Plan asks business owners across the city to register their privately owned closed circuit security camera systems and devices. As the Police Department responds to criminal incidents in the community, they can use any information or footage gathered from these security cameras to assist business owners and community members in the apprehension and prosecution of the criminals involved.

There are two ways that you can register:
  1. Complete the Chicago Plan form online via the Chicago Police Department's CLEARpath webpage at
  2. Download and complete the Chicago Plan Form at your local district police station. Completed forms can be turned in to your District's Community Policing Office or faxed to the Chicago Police Department CAPS Project Office at (312) 745-1099.
Click here for more information on the CHICAGO Plan, and remember security cameras can be linked into the City's 911/ 311 call center through the Private Sector Camera Initiative as well."


  1. Sure sounds like a good plan to me. There are others that would not agree as they feel it is a violation to their pravacy. It is no violation as these images belong to the owner. There is no expectation of pravacy. I hope many do register them to help the police get these punks locked up and off the streets once and for all. A great tool against crime.

  2. Someone make sure that Chinese restaurant and convenience store over at Wilson/Magnolia knows about this. While it doesn't look like it's going to warm up over the next week, once it does, the bangers will be back in action. Lately, all I've been seeing them do is shout (never talk) into their cell phones.

  3. I don't see a problem with simply registering a camera so that police know where they are if they need to get the footage. You only run into problems when you say the police have the right to the footage. At the end of the day, the shop owner still needs to give over the tapes freely or the cops need a subpoena.

    There. You have the Libertarian stamp of approval.
