Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lakeview Laura: Nowotny Can Unite The "Helen Shiller-nistas"

In case you are keeping track, longtime Shiller supporters Charlotte Newfeld, Art Johnston (owner of Sidetrack in Boystown), former Shiller office worker Nora Hughes, and now Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington are throwing their support behind Don Nowotny. Both Johnston and Hughes are sponsoring fundraisers for Nowotny. Newfeld made the nominating speech for Don in front of the IVI-IPO.

You might remember that Ald. Shiller broke the news that she would not be running in the 2011 elections to her good friend Laura, who lives on the lakefront in the Lakeview portion of the 46th ward.

According to Washington, Don has what it takes to unite the "Helen Shiller-nistas" and "yuppie newcomers."

We hope our readers are taking advantage of early voting and making an informed decision with these troubling tidbits in mind. Just sayin'.


  1. Laura's description of those who might not be crazy about our outgoing Alderman were, as expected, snippy and inaccurate.

  2. If there was ever any question about where Don's loyalty lies, I think its been answered.

    This is the closest thing to Helen Shiller giving him her own personal endorsement.

  3. Yeah, I'm quite the yuppie...never owned my own place, don't own a car, currently work part time for $12 an hour, buy my clothes at the Salvation Army, and berate myself if I ever treat myself to Subway since I can get three pounds of frozen chicken for less than one footlong sub (even on special). Also ride my bike whenever possible to the Loop to avoid the $4.50 round trip charge.

  4. The 11-way contest in the North Side’s warring 46th Ward will surely land in runoff land. Longtime ward superintendent Don Nowotny is the best chance to unite the Helen Shiller-nistas, yuppie newcomers and Lake Shore Drive denizens and move the ward forward

    What she fails to do is to explain the basis for her opinion.

    Then again, it is always far easier to make a claim than it is to support it.

    What she also fails to do is acknowledge that the possibility does exist, that without a polarizing figure such as Helen as the helm, the "warring 46th" might actually start to unite on its own.

    Regardless - I do find it interesting how the ST Editorial Board (upon which Ms. Washington sits) endorsed someone else.

  5. As a long-time 46th Ward resident and voter, I cannot support Nowotny. His entry into the aldermanic race will not "unite" the ward. After 16 years working under the current Alderman his candidacy is not a change, but a continuation of strife and division. I raised over $2,000 and worked to elected Helen in 1987 when she first got elected I hoped she would bring progress - so I am not one who has long been anti-Shiller, but it is time for a REAL change.

    We need new ideas and a new candidate. It seems far too convenient that Nowotny decided (as has all but one candidate - James Cappleman), with an open Aldermanic seat, that he suddenly has the answers to fix the ward which he did not offer during his past 16 years. Perhaps he is tired of getting up and running around the ward on Streets & San trucks, but that is NOT a qualification to move to a city council "desk job" (and 2nd pension). I would respect him more if he had ever, ever have spoken up before he saw an opening to run for alderman about how to fix the problems and unite our ward, and had he ever before publicly spoken up to criticize the failed approaches of the past 2 decades. Only one candidate has been consistent for the past number of years, even before there was a vacancy in our council seat, in actually WORKING in our ward to improve the safety and quality of life for all of us in Ward 46. That is why, after attending the debates and listening to the pitches, I will vote for James Cappleman.

  6. The endorsement by Shiller's chief of staff is the last thing he needs. I can think of no one who has been more alienating and abusive (far more than Shiller herself) in recent years toward ward citizens than this person. This chief of staff's abusive insults to me and other lakefront residents was a major reason I did not vote for Shiller for four years ago. Her personal tirade at me prompted a call and an apology from her assistant that this chief of staff did not have the integrity to make herself.

  7. Daniel R-
    To be fair, Nora Hughes was never Shiller's Chief of Staff, she worked in her office. Denice Davis is Ald. Shiller's Chief of Staff and she has not publicly endorsed any candidate.

  8. Thanks for that correction. I apologize, it was definitely the chief of staff who insulted me and her assistant (Nora) who called to apologize for her boss' inappropriate behavior. I did not mean to imply the opposite, and appreciate the staff member who called and agreed that her boss' comments and demeanor were beyond the pale.

    (The incident involved my personally stopping in to the Alderman's office to alert them that a neighbor of our building had put down rat poison on the public parkway because he was mad at dog walkers - and we have a seeing eye dog in our building who was endangered by this - Helen's chief of staff told me that I was a selfish, wealthy lakefront liberal for bothering them with this "yuppie" concern. The neighbor was subsequently arrested for his acts and triply fined because of the amount of poison he put down and because it was within 2 safe school zones - apparently these were not seen as "yuppie" concerns by the police).

  9. Charlotte Newfeld is a miserable old bat. Her goal is to spread the misery.

  10. I don't think there was ever any question about where Nowotny's loyalties lie. I'm just surprised that he has any support at all. Are there any recent polls?

  11. Personally, I like Don. I think he's a nice guy. He's even got a good shot at making the run-off.

    But Don cannot unite the ward, and here is why.

    First, elections are by their very nature divisive.

    Secondly, fair or not, Don carries with him all of the baggage and very few of the blessings that come with having worked for Alderman Shiller for 16 years. During that time, Don was responsible for ensuring the delivery of basic city services. And whether it was Don's fault or not, those services were not delivered.

    In other news, Marc Kaplan was endorsed by the Chicago Teacher's Union today. They are promising to deliver money and troops to endorsed candidates.

  12. Well .. so much for ever giving a sh*t about the Teachers Union.

    Here's the link YDD

  13. The CTU endorsed Kaplan? Ironically, that endorsement will probably guaranty more votes for Rahm Emmanuel than it will for Mark Kaplan . . .

  14. Saw this post earlier today and then noticed some new "Vote Don Notworthy" signage in the World Gym windows this evening. Almost makes me wanna rescind my membership!

    As someone who is not voting for Don or Emily, I am a little concerned that the Shiller faction is actually putting their muscle behind Don. With as many candidates running, there is a very strong likelihood that the split vote could get Don a runoff (assuming there is anyone left in this ward that believes in Helen's failed policies). Its good that we have choices, but Chicago politics are never one that I would bet against. Sadly.

  15. I might be out of the loop, but it seems Ms. Washington makes a weekly appearance on ABC7 news in the morning?
    With my coffee in one hand, I want to scream out "Do you really consider the current state of affairs in the 46th Ward a success??'

  16. CTU endorses Kaplan.

    Hopefully they'll put some money into the ward. That will disproportionally affect magic ponytail guy in a negative fashion.

    I just took a look at the various $1000 plus contributions the candidates have received over the last few weeks. New state law requires it to be posted within a few days.

    Phelan is doing very well overall in those type of contributions. Almost entirely from real estate interests/tax attorney types from outside the ward.

    Cappleman is doing less well, but still drawing some cash mostly from people in the ward.

    The rest of the candidates are largely drawing nothing in $1000 amounts inside or outside the ward. The exception being Baskin who seems to be getting a few such contributions. Likely from business associates.

    So boys and girls, ladies and gents here is the latest pirate take on the February 22nd election.

    Cappleman and Phelan will emerge to do battle in the "Thrilla in Vanilla" in April.

    With 11 candidates each candidate will poach voters from other candidates. However, and there is always a however, my guess is Nowatny is going to lose more voters to other candidates than either Phelan or Cappleman.

    Stewart, Retta, and CTU Kaplan are gonna take votes out of that hardcore Shillerista base. I also expect some other candidates to do fairly well along the lakefront which will also disproportionately affect Nowatny.

    It also doesn't help Nowatny that his campaign is absolutely pathetic. The outside the ward big money donors seem to have abandoned him.

    Tune in two weeks from tonight to see how right and/or wrong I am.

  17. -Daniel R.

    I couldn't agree with you more. It is oddly convenient that all these candidates are now stepping up with their solutions, yet we haven't heard a peep out of ANY of them (except James) regarding ward issues before this election kicked into full gear. It couldn't be more obvious to me that 10 out of the 11 running are just in it for an easy(and nice)paycheck.

    I'd like to hear from anyone that is not voting for James Cappleman where their candidate has been the last 4 years?

    In all the years I've been in my block club have I EVER seen any candidate besides James come out to our events, help pick up trash on the street, engage neighbors/the homeless/gang members during positive loitering events, plant gardens, help clean up Clifton and on and on.... NOPE.

    So, sorry to be going on a James tangent here but I want the best for Uptown just like everybody else and he's the only person running that cares enough about the ward to have been out volunteering his time the past 12 years for the benefit of all of us.

  18. I agree Uptown Action, James and his partner have been totally involved in everything. I think these others just want it on their resume that they ran for alderman.

  19. I think that's a harsh statement, Ingrid. When Ms. Shiller was running, it was better for the opposition to have one candidate to avoid splitting the vote. While I do appreciate Mr. Cappleman's efforts on our behalf in the ward, I have some concern that his is a wounded campaign due to the previous failed attempts to become alderman (admittedly under very biased and manipulative circumstances). That being said, I would be ecstatic if Irish Pirate's prediction that Phelan & Cappleman will make it to the run off came true. Nothing would be sweeter than a landslide vote against the candidates who would like to continue Ms. Shiller's risible policies. I relish the thought.

  20. "previous failed attempts to become alderman" ???

    What? James ran once before and came very close to beating Shiller even though she outspent him by at least twice as much.

    I'd hardly call that a "wounded campaign."

  21. If Don can unite the ward, why are many of his neighbors in his building on Clarendon supporting James Cappleman and Michael Carroll? Ask them how effective Don was as their Condo Board President and you will see why they are supporting James and Michael (and to a lesser degree, Andy and Molly).

  22. I meet him at a recent forum. He seemed like a nice guy but was overly focused on streets and sanitation issues. While those are items to consider they are far from the major issues of the ward. (crime, business devolvement, tax & tiff issues) Also, his unfortunate long standing association with the Schiller regime and it's endorsements of him via proxy make him an automatic no in my book. I will likely be voting for James or Molly.

  23. I also live in a condo and my wife is on the board. But if she was running for alderman, I am thinking she might find any number of other things to use when attempting to demonstrate her skills necessary to run a city ward. I mean it is hard thankless work and she is great at it but those are not necessarily the most important skills needed to be an effective alderman that she would be talking about them during interviews. Either is working for Streets and San if you ask me.

    Alderman is such a complex job I would need to see a lot of complex involvement in community issues and problem solving. In my mind the person who gets elected needs to have been doing community work in the 46th for years with all kinds of people. Don was very nice when I spoke to him about trash in my alley, but he was not the person I called about gangs selling drugs, people loitering and violent crimes I saw. Those calls went first to 911, then to Don's 46th ward boss Alderman Shiller. I am still waiting for her to return any of my 20 plus phone calls to the ward office.

    Interestingly, when I have called other ward offices I have gotten a call back from someone before the end of the day and on several occasions FROM THE ALDERMAN. Why do I call other ward offices you may ask? To get things addressed in our ward that the 46th ward office is unable or unwilling to do. Come to find out I am far from the only one doing this. Other ward offices have helped me solve problems very quickly. I am betting the other ward offices are the most happy to see Helen go. Now they will not have to fill in for her anymore!

  24. I met Don last summer at a block club party. Nice enough guy and can talk your ear off.

    I asked him why I had to clean up the street of trash and clogged drains for over 2 hours before we could set up.

    His response: "Litter has always been a problem in Uptown."

    I asked what he would do to remediate the problem and all he could do is tell me that he would talk to the residents to get ideas.

    Huh? I thought he was the "Streets and Sans guy?"

    He then told me the streets are only cleaned once a month. I asked why Uptown is different than other wards - which have their streets cleaned every other week. Again I was told he would "work with the residents" to come up with a solution.

    How about cleaning the damn streets more often like other wards???

  25. Why the obsession with Don Nowotny? If he's not going to win, why keep talking about him? Makes me wonder...

  26. Uptowndude - I don't think there's an "obsession" with Don Nowotny, but I do think some ward residents are perplexed as to why some of Alderman Shiller's strongest supporters (Charlotte Newfield, Tom Sharpe, etc.) are supporting Don - but Helen has been quiet. Also, Don has made statements about his vision for the ward that are completely different from Helen. Also, Don stated that he was planning to run even if Helen retired, as well as his lack of community involvement (outside of his employment by the city) makes for a good conversation topic.

  27. UptownDude,

    makes you wonder?

    Hmmmmm, who would refer to themselves as "dude"?

    Someone with a ponytail perhaps?

    Makes me wonder. Snicker.

    From your earlier comments it's clear you support Nowatny. That's fine. Vote for him. That's your right if you live in the ward.

    It's also others right to point out connections Don or any other non ponytail wearing candidate has to elected officials or anyone else for that matter.

    Unless Don is the Muhammad Ali of candidates and this is a "rope a dope" then you won't need to worry much about his candidacy in 13 days.

    His campaign is pathetic. As has been pointed out his fundraising is beyond a joke. Perhaps he believes the Shilleristas and the Charlotte Newfeld Lakeview Militia will pull out a victory for him.

    I believe I'll have another beer.

    Two candidates are running impressive campaigns. One is named Cappleman. The other is named Phelan.

    One I will vote for. One I will not. However, either James or Molly would be infinitely preferable to Don. There is something to be said for the concept of working for it.

  28. I find it quite odd that Washington is supporting Nowotny whilst the Sun-Times endorsed Stewart (Nowotny and Baskin were the only others mentioned in that endorsement; a strange conclusion unless someone has an ax to grind. Who could that be?).

    I wonder if the Washington and the Sun-Times have now concluded that Stewart isn't likely to make a run-off and, therefore, placing their bets on Nowotny instead. With some of the anti-affordable housing comments by Nowotny, hard to see the "Schiller-nistas" uniting behind him with much zeal though. Also, with Rahm running away with the mayoral race, there isn't going to be as much incentive for the rank and file machine voters to turn out in droves.

    Low turnout could have some interesting effects on this race; I don't see it benefiting Nowotny.

  29. Irish-
    Have you seen Molly's mailers?? They look like a 5th grader mailed them....

  30. dw66,

    I have seen the Molly mailers. Unless there are some mailers that went out that I missed.

    They don't say much, but they are well made. The green and gold one stands out from the others as being a bit better.

    By the way most campaign literature doesn't say much.

    I'm looking forward to February 22. It will be nice to go on to round two.

  31. === James ran once before and came very close to beating Shiller even though she outspent him by at least twice as much. ===

    Shiller beat Cappleman 53-47. In the world of political campaigns, that's not even close.

    Moreover, it would be a mistake to confuse a vote against Shiller as a vote for Cappleman.

    If Cappleman actually had a base of 47% of the electorate, you would know it.

    And getting outspent 2 to 1 is no excuse. 36-year incumbent Burt Natarus outspent Brendan Reilly 2 to 1. Reilly cleaned his clock with 54 percent of the vote.

  32. In the world of political campaigns, that's not even close.

    Maybe - depends on your perspective.

    Here are the results from the City.

    Folks can decide for themselves on the result proximity:

    Ward 46

    Total votes cast: 11274

    Cappleman: 5287 46.90%

    Shiller: 5987 53.10%

  33. Yellow Dog Democrat - Yes, you are correct that Shiller beat Cappleman by 6% - 53% to 47% in 2007. In aldermanic elections, that was about 700 votes, which in most elections, a very small amount. If my memory is correct, that is the closest race in the 46th ward since Shiller was first elected.

    If you understand the voting patterns of the 46th ward, a small number of building can make up a large percentage of votes. And, that was Shiller's strategy. She campaigned hard in 10-15 high rises in Uptown (a few in Lakeview as well), and her election tactics virtually guaranteed her those votes. That is one of the reasons she was able to stay in office for 24 years and win six elections.

    The 2011 election will be an entirely different race without Helen Shiller, and more importantly, a clear successor. The biggest question is where her loyal voters will go - some are clearly going to Don and probably quite a few to Marc Kaplan, but surprisingly, my sources are telling me that many are going to vote for James Cappleman and Emily Stewart since they want someone who truly understand the ward, and not a newcomer with further political aspirations.

  34. Yellow Dog babee,

    you're back! I thought you were running around with Jay Levine demanding to know who caused the blizzard last week and asking for a War Crime investigation of the mess on Lake Shore Drive.

    Now Reilly is an interesting person to bring up. Reilly having worked directly for the Illinois Democratic Party and Michael Madigan before his election. Also interestingly Molly donated to Reilly before the election. Madigan covertly supported Reilly against a very weak opponent. A republican nearly beat Natarus four years prior in a high income and generally very well informed ward.

    Now for someone who claims to have been in Uptown for six years it's strange that your blogger profile lists your home as "Springfield" and your job as consultant:

    Old Yeller

    * Gender: Male
    * Astrological Sign: Cancer
    * Industry: Consulting
    * Location: Springfield : Central Illinois : United States

    Just sayin'. Time to change that.

    Now you said you weren't being paid by Molly's campaign. Ok, dat's fine. Are you being paid by any PAC or similar group?

    Don't answer. I prefer you leave us in suspense.

    Silly Wabbitt........tricks are for kidz.

  35. Hey Irish did you give up blogging? Just asking

  36. NM,

    I wouldn't quite say I've given up blogging, but like my sex life and hairline it just ain't what it used to be.

    If I found something particularly amusing I might link to it, but at this point dat's about it.

    I found blogging more fun in the olden days of "What the Helen".

    The current crop of wannabee aldermen really doesn't bring out the vitriol in the dark regions of my twisted psyche.

    I really wish Shiller hadn't bowed out. Watching her defeated would have brought a moment of joy to my otherwise bleak existence. Watching baby Shiller, Nowotny, implode is just not as much fun.

  37. Irish,

    We glad to see that you are still are writing well written posts here. Keep up the good work.
