- The Sun-Times endorsed Emily Stewart in the 46th; Ameya Pawar in the 47th; and Harry Osterman in the 48th. You can read the Sun-Times candidate questionnaires here.
- The Fraternal Order of Police and Chicago Firefighters Local 2 endorsed Michael Carroll.
- The Italian American Police Association of Illinois endorsed Diane Shapiro.
- National Association of Social Workers endorsed James Cappleman.
- Abner Mikva endorsed Scott Baskin.
- IVI-IPO endorsed Don Nowotny in the 46th, Gene Schulter in the 47th (ruh-roh), and Harry Osterman in the 48th.
- The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce endorsed Molly Phelan in the 46th and Harry Osterman in the 48th.
- Northside Democracy For America endorsed James Cappleman.
- Many Republican groups endorsed Diane Shapiro (click link to see them).
Friday, January 28, 2011
Endorsement Tracker
The endorsements for alderman are starting to come in:
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I've seen Emily clarify amibuities on this site before, so I hope she can clear up one question I have.
ReplyDeleteHer website identifies her as a corporate finance attorney, which involves a particularly complicated area of law. But according to the attorney registration website, she was only licensed as an attorney in Illinois as of 2009, and seems to be self-employed. No one graduates law school qualified to do corporate finance law (or, really, anything practical) on their own- so did she work for a firm in a jurisdiction in another state before 2009? Did she work as a corporate finance specialist or accountant before law school? Where exactly did she get the experience to become a corporate finance attorney?
Who is the Irish Pirate endorsing?
ReplyDeleteI can see what the Sun Times likes about Stewart, but the honorary mention nods to Notwatny/Baskin elude me.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Sun-Times is also impressed with Nowotny... Is the Sun-Times really a credible news source anymore anyway?
ReplyDeleteThis concerns me about Emily: she is "committed to preserving or expanding social services and affordable housing."
Preserving? Fine. Expanding? Sure - outside of the 46th Ward. We're busting at the seams here!
Tribune and Sun-Times both endorsed Ald Shiller in 2007 so all I conclude from any 2011 newspaper endorsements for the 46th Ward is that nobody who works for either paper lives in Uptown, or knows anybody who lives in Uptown.
ReplyDeleteIf you want a laugh go dig up the Sun-Times and Trib endorsements in City Council races over the years. Their shaky accuracy and ability to sway voters makes Tom Skilling look like the Amazing Kreskin for his weather forecasts.
ReplyDeletemeow, meow.
Emily Stewart is an impressive individual. That being said I figured they would support Nowatny and was surprised by the Stewart endorsement.
Last time both papers supported Shiller, so I tend not to take their endorsements too seriously outside of high profile races which they might actually have some understanding of.
They "liked" Nowatny and Baskin? What is this seventh grade?
All the varying endorsements don't mean much in a race like this one. That being said it was a good day for Emily Stewart.
She should savor it because 3.5 weeks from now she'll be the one thinking about endorsing one of the two candidates going to the runoff.
Meow, meow.
Let us not forget for one instant which paper Shiller's old pal, Laura Washington works for.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Emily!
ReplyDeletei dont see the endorsement on the suntimes page?
ReplyDeleteClick on "Sun-Times" - it's hyper-linked.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the endorsement, Emily. You provided the editors (and voters) with a lot of well-reasoned positions.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the endorsement I noticed that millionaire Blair Hull and his wife are top supporters. Does this also mean a nod from progressive clout circles? I don't know.
Point taken Pirate...
ReplyDeleteI just cough up a furball when I hear a candidate wants to expand social services and affordable housing in the 46th ward. This ward has more than its share.
That being said, Emily's background is admirable, I just can't agree with some of her views - that's all.
Meow, meow...
The Sun-Times endorsement is unbelievable crap. I was going to comment earlier, but my post started getting long, so I transfered it to Word, and now it is already four pages long. Once I finish editing, I'll send it along to UU.
ReplyDeleteYikes. I guess I'm in for an ear full when we endorse our candidate on Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteAnd the first person who says we don't know the ward, or didn't cover this race fairly, I'll meet them in "Blood Alley on a Wednesday night. Those who don't know my sarcastic humor, lighten up.
Who is the Sun-Times to tell us what we don't need?
ReplyDeleteI love the Sun-Times, makes good kindling for my fireplace.
"Dirty Trick Alert"
ReplyDelete"Dirty Trick Alert"
Ok, first, I'm talking in my best Edward G. Robinson voice as I type this, see.
"Ok, see last night I went over to BOB, Bar on Buena, for a burger and a few alcoholic beverages, see. Started talkin to some dames seated nearby, see. They had nice gams, see. The election came up in conversation, see.
The one dame lived in da ward, see. Her friend lived somewhere in da 47th, see. Anyway Dame Number One found a gaggle of business cards in her foyer before walking over to BOB.
She handed me a card, see.
Unfortunately, my scanner ain't workin, see.
The front of the card has an image of people holding hands and says
A Diverse Community. A Single Vision.
The back of the card sayz:
Leadership, Experience, Commitment and Compassion
Now I have a hard time believing dat's a legitimate card, see.
If Sandra Reed was going to run she had plenty of chances to join the other 11 earlier, see.
For those of you who weren't around Sandra Reed ran for alderman in 1999 and 2003. Unfortunately, she lost.
So unless Sandra is now putting out cheesy looking business cards and running as a write in there are some dirty tricks afoot.
My guess is dirty tricks, see.
Sorry, IP, it's not a dirty trick, unless it's one orchestrated by Sandra herself. She is indeed marketing herself as a write-in candidate.
ReplyDeleteWhether they will admit it or not, all candidates and their camps look to see who the major newspapers endorse because they hope they get a validation. While it is true that the newspapers are looking down from a widescope, and their ultimate decision is based on limited information and a superficial analysis, it is also true that it is almost always an objective decision (objective not in the sense that it is unbiased. All people have biased. But objective in that they have no horse in the race and because they are unfamiliar with the day-to-day local political rantings, their wide-angle view is not hazed by that history).
ReplyDeleteSo, while the Sun-Times editorial board might not have the intimate details that some on this blog think they should have, it is still interesting to see what they write, because they are the proverbial alien dropped into an unfamiliar setting and making a quick objective assessment came to some unexpected conclusions.
Go Sandra Go!
Now I got five different possible candidates I might vote for...and at least two of them have a chance to make the runoff!!! (unfortunately Sandra is not one of them)
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised and disappointed Sandra Reed would do that. If she wanted to join the fun she shoulda circulated petitions.....dat's da fact.
She's a great public speaker and a plausible candidate IF she was on the ballot.
It would be interesting to know what her motivation for running as a write in is.
wow, shapiro wants gun ranges in the city and no helmets for motorcycle riders. that's shaking things up! (sheesh.) and, is anyone whose endorsement she touts a resident of the ward?
ReplyDeleteAs though one photo wasn't enough Molly Phelan in her latest mailing on community safety has THREE photos with a well known CAPS patrolman. This guy is in full uniform and it looks apparent that he's on duty, his police car even gets into one of the photos. It certainly can be construed as a CAPS endorsement of Molly. What is a Chicago policeman doing in three photos of a political ad? It seems like the cop is doing something extremely unethical by appearing in the ad. Also poor judgment on Phelan's part to feature a CAPS patrolman. This photo gives me the impression that the CAPS Program has endorsed Molly and or is politically supporting Phelan. This is bordering an ethics violation, isnt Phelan an attorney by profession? She should have known better. Baaaaaaaaaaad move Phelan!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know why the Sun-Times would endorse Emily, and usually pc you are so right about Emily. She keeps bragging about being a finance attorney, but I can't find out any information about her!!
And what is going with Sandra Reed? I mean she is just a spoiler! She knows she doesnt even have a chance.
And Retta seems to be the only candidate to be endorsed by any aldermen. Alderman Mary Ann Smith,
Former Alderman Marion Volini and
Former Committeeman Mike Volini.
Who on earth cares about the Sun Times. It is nothing but a trashy tabloid.
ReplyDeleteAttended the 46th Ward Great Debate at Borders today. Got the impression that Emily Stewart, while smart and articulate, is a Helen Shiller apologist. Is she another Shiller in the making?
Uptown Lady,
ReplyDeleteour next Mare, Rahm "Nine Fingers" Emmanuel, used live video of his uncle endorsing him when he first ran for Congress in 2002.
Said uncle was in uniform and was a Chicago Police Officer at the time. I believe that is a violation of department rules, but hey.....this is Chicago.
As for Molly using the photos of her and the cop I don't have a problem with it. Now if the cop were to do a video for her, while in uniform and then endorse her....dat I would have some issues with.
For all we know he may not even realize the photos are being used.
The second piece of Molly literature I received was very well made. Sorta a Kelly Green/Yellow Gold combo. The third piece of Molly literature I received so far came today.
She seems to be targeting registered voters. Her mailings were directly addressed to me. Retta's one mailing was addressed to "postal customer".
Carroll sent out a nice piece too. He looked very "butch" in one "action" photo. Too bad Mooshie left the ward or she would be thrilled!
My favorite part of the Michael Carroll campaign piece was the big yellow Cappleman poster on the side of Uptown Recording. You can see it in the background of the pic where MC is standing on the el platform, looking stoicly upon Uptown.
ReplyDeletedat's funny.
Perhaps Mike Carroll should change his campaign theme to Stoicly Butch:
As Michael Carroll looks out over Uptown from the Wilson EL platform he spies an opponent's poster.
Michael is unfazed. Cause he's STOICLY BUTCH.
He's gonna need that stoicism and butch attitude in about 3 weeks when he returns to full time crime fighting.
Round one seems to be shaping up as a 3-4 person race and he's not in that group.
Michael, if you're reading this and not busy tweeting about crime fighting please "lighten up Francis".
I prescribe 3 pints of Guinness, a cialis tablet, and two naughty women. Maybe 3 naughty women since you're younger than me. I had to cut back after age 40.
Endorsements are for sheep.
ReplyDeleteSee for yourself...make up your own mind, we cordially invite you to attend our one-at-a-time and one-of-a-kind Candidate forums.
Our forums are more comprehensive then a questionnaire mailed out from a newspaper or a thread of blog comments. More enlightening than an 11 candidate "debate", or campaign literature even.
Our forums ask YOUR questions and respect your intelligence!
The next one is Tuesday with Mr. Andy Lam, Thursday with Mr. Michael Carroll!
Mark your calendar.....
Jeffrey Littleton
Thank you Jeff for hosting these forums to help voters make the most objective decision.
ReplyDeleteYes, on Tuesday, I will be looking froward to answering any of your question, from simple to complicated.
Have a good one.
ReplyDeleteWho is in your top four? I would for sure have Carroll up there with Phelan cappleman notwotny!
Fer sure, Seaneen, fer sure.
ReplyDeleteBetween this question, your extolling the Carroll campaign for pulling out a car AND your recent appearance on blogger I'm getting a big whiff of campaign tomfoolery off you. Let's call it Mikefoolery if you will.
Right now my impression is Cappleman, Phelan, Nowatny, in that order. Beyond that it's difficult to say. Retta or Stewart might surprise, but they seem to be competing with Marc Kaplan for O.N.E. voters and the larger subsidized housing vote. Emily's appeal would also go into Lakeview where her HQ is located.
Carroll might surprise too, but given his anemic fundraising and mailings I rather doubt it.
Now maybe I'm off way(way off) and Mike will surprise. I have no problem with an Alderman Carroll. In fact given his rather tight assed persona I might have some fun with it. After all he is stoicly butch.
Seriously, he seems like a very decent guy, but he needs to lighten up a bit. One photo in his mailer is so easy to mock it's like taking candy from a toddler. Which I do frequently at family gatherings just for ghitz and shiggles.
Methinks the highlight of the Carroll campaign will be his twin brother being picked as a Today's Chicago Woman eligible single.
As I was shoveling my alley earlier one of my female neighbors mentioned it in a humorous fashion as we talked about the campaign.
She is a Molly supporter. I support the Capplemaniac. We had a politically mixed crew of snow shoveling neighbors out there today.
One good thing about this campaign is that there is a gaggle, perhaps even a flock, of decent candidates to choose from.
With one or two notable exceptions ANY of them would be preferable to Shiller.