Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Smooth Transition?

Last month, the "Uptown Libertarian" circulated a form letter asking final-term aldermen not to destroy financial records and project updates to make the transition to a new alderman easier.  He sent a request to Ald. Shiller asking for her cooperation, and this is how she replied:


  1. I am glad to see that Shiller will honor her obligation to the Ward's residents to work for a smooth transition with the next alderman. What did Smith say?

  2. Let me be the first to say....HOLY SH*T!

  3. hmmm...I wonder what she constitutes as "appropriate"?

  4. Schiller's office took almost two months to respond. These sort of little things are important.

  5. This is so bizarre. I can't get her office to comment on current gang crime activity.
    But then again, maybe I'm dumb, but I'll never understand the current Ward office.

  6. I fully expect a torch and burn policy is in effect until the end of her tenure. There is over 20 years of documentation to shred and lots of cleaning up to do for her successor. There's really no time for any leadership, stances, initiatives etc. It's probably better for all concerned that she keep her activity to a bare minimum until we're all free.

  7. I read that and to me it says, "Yea thanks for the thought but no!"
