Saturday, December 11, 2010

Introducing "Nick's Picks"

Curling up with a good book may be just the thing to to chase the chills away. Uptown Update is happy to bring you a new weekly feature, from Nicholas Taylor, sales manager of Uptown Borders. He'll do a book review weekly (just as he does with his in-store weekly recommendations), and what better time to start than now, when the weather outside can be frightful?

Sometimes you just gotta laugh so you won't cry and if The Onion makes you laugh till you cry then I recommend you sit on the toilet with this book for $h*t$ and giggles.

Jon Stewart's Earth (the book) A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race is an excellent choice of hilarity. Over 240 pages means one can easily find over 240 reasons to chuckle and snort or insert your laugh of choice. Due to its nice size (not to mention contents), it makes an excellent wrapped package to exchange. "Buy two," copies and share the funny (available at your local Borders).

Crossing from commerce to culture while spanning through society and science and complete with a two page spread featuring half a Larry King, Earth plays hysterical notes across our great globe.


  1. Great idea! Always nice to have local residents and intellectuals contributing.
