"I have some troubling news. Tuesday night at about 5 PM at the corner of Lawrence and Sheridan, Jared (a dog walker for Green Paws Chicago) was knocked from his bike by a car with its lights off and then while he was down, surrounded by a group of teens who proceeded to kick him and take his bike. He was pretty shaken up by this and he needs to take some time off. All things considered, it could have been much worse; they didn't take his wallet, keys, etc, and nothing was broken. Just some bruises and a big scare. I wanted to let you all now of this incident and that we will be covering his walks while we hire a new walker. Many thanks for your understanding. I am sure you all know this already but I just wanted to stress to please be mindful of the neighborhood, especially after dark."
Was he on shift when this happened? I'm confused.
ReplyDeletePerhaps someone in the know can comment on that. This was the only info provided in the email sent to us.
ReplyDeleteNow they are using cars to hurt people-what no more guns?This is so awful my god ,does it ever stop in this area?
ReplyDeleteI continue to believe that it is possible to maintain a truly diverse community that is safe for all its residents and my staff and I will continue work towards that goal on behalf of all of our residents.
ReplyDeleteAs the thugs get emboldened, they are starting to prey beyond their usual demographic (each other)and will start to spread mayhem to those who moved here hoping to make decent lives for themselves. So far the thugs have mostly ignored them, passing on the street doing their thing as if you just didn't exist. Not anymore. Even though I don't live in Uptown, I spend quite a bit of time in the area, and am amazed actually by how beautifull converted condo buildings stand next to section eights that have become crack houses. How fine restaurants and cafes exist steps from armed drug dealing thugs. Lots of extremes in Uptown.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the blue light cameras at that intersection really did their job in detering criminal activity and helping to apprehened anyone committing a crime in view of the camera. (sarcasm intended).
ReplyDeleteUptown is a pathetic joke and the criminals know it. I hope our next Alderman/woman works hard and swiftly to clean this place up!
I moved here because I thought Uptown was revitalizing itself and that it would be a great place to live. So far it has been just the opposite. I will give it the entire term of our next alderman/woman and if nothing has changed for the better then I am out of here (as I suspect many other will be).
My prayers are with this man. I hope he recovers quickly (both physically and mentally).
So they just beat him up for the hell of it? Please post more information when you get it. Hopefully he was able to make a description of his attackers and of their vehicle. Also, any indications that this might be a hate crime?
ReplyDeleteAs someone who does not own a car and relies on his bike year round for transportation, this troubles me. Would love to hear more information on the incident like if it was in fact bangers or just some stupid overprivileged teens from the burbs having "fun".
ReplyDeleteLynchings of people on bikes by bangers is nothing new in this city but being hit by a vehicle on purpose for a robbery is. Riding in this city was dangerous enough. I know plenty of folks who live around Humboldt Part that carry Bear Mace for this very reason. California between North and Division is a pretty bad spot where several people have reported goonings by gangs targeting cyclists.
This makes me sad.
Please, please tell me that someone filed a police report! Please?
ReplyDeleteThis is extremely upsetting. At 5PM nonetheless. There are usually a lot of passerbys at that time. I'd hope that someone was apprehended. More info needed.
ReplyDeleteMore justification of why I carry multiple, legal, self-defense weapons on me while riding as well as while walking around our wonderful social project of a neighborhood. tip o' the day: Army Navy store on Broadway under the tracks sells pepper spray for $9... Sorry, in our northside "hood", you better be ready every time you walk out your front door. I'm not trying to encourage paranoia, just readiness. Take care Uptowners
ReplyDeleteAnyone packing bear mace is one enlightened city dweller, and I would like to buy that person one big old frosty beer for taking the initiative on this one. Anyone else that would like to step up to the plate and enjoy some personal security, search online for Bodyguard LE10, Fox 5.3 or the new Fox Green. The new "green" is reported to not wash off the offender for days, leaving somewhat of a stigma for the miscreant to contend with, or hide from family, friends and the Police for a while. Stay safe and remain alert !
ReplyDeletePP Commando.
Are collapsible batons legal in Chicago?
As for bear mace I'll have to look into that.
Although, it does sound like something you might want to carry at "Crew" after the Chicago Bears win the Superbowl.
"Fred, we were over at Crew drinking some margaritas and watching the game. Suddenly this bald 250 pound bear went wild and jumped on the table. We had to mace him."
Ah yes, mace...
ReplyDeleteI remember walking on the sidewalk once and a couple of fine folks ahead of me began an argument. One evidently felt threatened (though I would maintain he was just an angry drunk) so pulled his mace mace and sprayed. Of course, he not only doused his intended, but me as well.
Mace... good times.
Again, this was awful. My sympathies go out to the victim. Was a police report filed? I'm sure the victim was in no shape to calmly call 911 after being pummeled but was anybody else able to follow thru with a report?
ReplyDeleteIrish Pirate,
ReplyDeleteThe batons are not legal for anyone except Police and on-duty security. From a practical stand point, you are not likely to be charged for simply having it for self defense. If you do something outrageous, such as using one in a bar fight, you would likely have problems. You could have it used against you, unless you have had baton training.
Uptown Action: Be careful with that spray from Army Navy. Its not going to have the same power as the ones I mentioned above.
Lets not forget the old fashioned referee type sports whistle. Muggers and criminals do not like anything that causes people to look out the window and call 911.
About Bear Spray: It is often 2% concentration, which is considered to be enough to deter the animal without undue pain. The ones I referenced above are 10% for use on criminals. It is also in a 10-12" container, less than optimum for concealing on your person. It has extra pressure to spray further distance than other sprays.
All pepperspray(OC spray) is rated for the heat it produces in SHU: (Schoville Heating Units). You may see this expressed as "MC" (major capsaicinoids). Example Bodyguard LE10 is rated 2 million SHU/13.3% capsaicinoids. Capsicum = the oily resin produced by hot peppers.
OC = oleoresin capsicum. A fancy name for pepper spray. Google all these terms for more info.
One last point. OC spray enters skin pores when it EVAPORATES.
Overspraying is the single most common cause of OC spray failing to work on the bad guy. If you get overspray on your hands, DO NOT touch your eyes or other sensitive body parts until you have rinsed with milk or dish liquid/ degreaser type products.
Pepperspray -
ReplyDeleteI myself carry Fox 5.3, I was just making a point of an easy, local place in the neighborhood for people to go and get their own spray. What are your thoughts on Fox 5.3's effectiveness? When I bought it, it looked to be the strongest available spray for civilians. Is there anything stronger to get that does not require being a cop? I'd probably carry around a flame thrower if it was legal, and concealable! Banger "roasts" would be a fun way to spend a Friday night.
ReplyDeleteKudos to you for seeking out and purchasing one of the best OC sprays available at any price ! You have 5.3 million SHU on tap, enough heat to cause burning searing pain to any idiot with the misfortune of messing with you. OC is not 100% effective, but most bad guys will be hurting pretty bad after exposure. When the liquid carrier evaporates, chrystals of OC are deposited onto the skin and rubbed in through the pores as the badguy attempts to rub it off. Eyes slam shut, the sinus becomes enflamed and the throat constricts, coughing ensues. One good splash to the eyes/face should heat up the badguy real good. #1 rule of the street: Be observant. Another good tool to have in the bag of tricks:
A "Surefire" type flashlight. Absolutely blinding at night. Google Surefire Defender with the strike bezel.Its two weapons in one. Stay safe and remain vigilant.
Make sure when you get your Surefire that you get an LED. Much brighter and better at blinding someone. Plus they are almost indestructable. Check out Batteryjunction.com for some good deals.
ReplyDeleteStreamlight Strion: Same size as Surefire, the strion is rechargeable so, no expensive 123 batterys to buy.