Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Political Offices' Windows Smashed

From 46th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Andy Lam:

"Someone threw a brick into my office window at 1131 W Argyle St, sometime in the early hours of Tuesday morning. A 20th District CPD Officer, Perez, filed a report and an evidence technican was taking some pictures. Then a CBS2 cameraman showed up about the same time and told me 48th Ward Alderman Smith's windows were smashed on Sunday night and last night again. He said the video may be aired today at 11:00am."


  1. I surely am not for anyone taking the path toward destruction or violence becuse they do not like the candidate but people in this ward are sick and tired of all the violence and destruction thrown at them too. I sure hope the winner understands the responsibility they must have toward all the residents in our ward as thier promise of making it safe and healthy for all is the number one priority. In the last election you seen what happend when people are sick of all the lip action and no real results to show for it. Lets hope all the promises I hear from all the candidates running turn out to be true. We all deserve it here in the 46th ward.

  2. Hey Andy,

    Sorry to hear about your office window, but you just hang in there. I'm sure Jeffrey Littleton will be by shortly with some packing tape and saran wrap to fix it for you. He fixes all of Uptown's problems, don't-cha-know.

  3. The 48th ward offices were hit as well.

  4. Who is fixing whatcha know?

    I will help Andy if he needs.

    Uptown needs creative solutions, we are doing pretty good at this point in the snarky department, they used to call it boorish manners back in olden times before the internet, its harmless but to what end?

    If asked to pitch in I will help Andy, no problem, I am a carpenter so why not?


  5. WGN covered the story tonight at 9 (saying that at least 4 political offices were hit including Steans)

  6. Just saw on Channel 9 news....another 'political window smash' at Jan's office. Interview with Andy as well.

    Very strange!

  7. Of course the real question has nothing to do with me.

    Why would someone do this if its not just a random flying object? Which it could be random or not.

    A bit of a coincidence in regards to the 48th ward office. The plot thickens it could be said.

    I know my painting the bronco billy tag got a few folks in a binder and I am completely fine with that......not my problem.

    I won't be doing any more solo painting outings, unless its watercolor on paper or the like. Only in cooperation with others, maybe or maybe not we shall see, if anyone else wants to step up for your Uptown thats cool lemme know, it would surprise me to be honest. I am sure there are a few out there.

    This vandalism directed at political offices in one night is an ugly new wrinkle, I hear Heather Steans got hit as well so try to focus people.....it not about me is it? I am just fun admit it!

    With all that said, just have your finer-selves a nice evening and be good.


  8. Hi Jeff and UUers,

    Thanks for the kind words and offers. My office manger was pretty quick to address the window issue and fixed it before noon. We did spend $285 but the service was pretty fast. It was dangerous especially when large sheets of cracked glass were hanging on a busy stretch of Argyle Street. Luckily nobody got hurt.

    The security video showed that the brick throwing happened at 6:37am and there should be many people walking to the Argyle CTA El stop. So, if anyone saw anything, please contact the 20th District CPD or email me.

    Thanks again.

    Andy Lam

  9. http://www.wgntv.com/news/wgntv-vandals-target-political-offices-nov9,0,4287880.story

    Video posted

  10. The fact that Andy got a brick makes it more strange. Andy is not a politician yet and he's not running for 48th ward. This makes me to think it's not political, but territorial. Probably the local street gangsters sending a message.

  11. Im with you Jeffrey Littleton, I'll help you clean up any graffitti anytime, just say the words. Don't worry about the rest of the ninny's out here. They are afraid of thier own shadows, so it's no surprise that standing up to a 'gangbanger' or tagger would frighten the life out of them! What these people don't know is that most of the tagging is done by the youngsters, not the (relatively) older bangers out doing all the shooting.

  12. I'm shocked that no one has smashed Shiller's... I mean, why Smith? She's leaving too. I figured since all of us "evil condo owners" are so violent that she has to arm her staff with baseball bats because citizens are protesting outside her office with their babies in strollers, that surely, some evil condo owner would of thrown a brick, or their property tax bill, through her window.

  13. Andy you are suggesting contacting the CPD when something happens to you, but you reccomend not contacting the city when there is graffiti in the park because the city's resources are stretched too thin. What gives?

  14. @ Creepy

    I know your jus' being silly but that is not at all what I understood Andy was trying to say.

    I think most of the residents of Uptown know the difference between graffiti.......and a brick thrown through the window.
    Give the people some credit....geeesh.

    What I personally understood from Andy Lam's comment was to "pitch in where you can, when you can", thats all, pretty simple. A lot of other communities do it...this thing called volunteerism.

    It not as wacky and off-the-wall as ya might think.

    And thanks ChiTownPhilly ....your absolutely right! The skittishness in some of these comments is palpable and scarcely masked by their mockery.

    I am disappointed some of us can be so petty and glib in regards to a serious incident such as this, as described in the original post.


    Jeffrey Littleton
