Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More Shooting (Please Send Snow)

A few readers reported hearing multiple shots in the Wilson/Sheridan area around 5:30am on Sunday.

And the neighbors at Racine and Montrose, who are understandably on edge due to the Halloween trick-or-treat gunfire, heard more shots around 1:30am Monday morning.

We encourage everyone who is concerned about this uptick in the gang violence to attend CAPS and hear what the police have to say about what's been going on and see what, if anything, we as a community can do to try to counteract it.  Dollars to donuts there will be quite a few politicians and aspiring office holders at the meetings, so be sure they come away knowing what our concerns are.

Beat 2311 : Tuesday, November 9, 7pm, Truman College, 1145 W Wilson
Beat 2313 : Wednesday, November 10, 7pm, Clarendon Park Fieldhouse, 4501 N Clarendon
Beat 2312 : Tuesday, November 16, 7pm, Cafe Too Engagement Center, 4715 N Sheridan

If you're not sure what beat you're in, check here.

1 comment:

  1. I won't be able to attend tonights 2311 Caps meeting. I would like to ask if someone would inquire as to why drug dealing goes unchallenged around here. Please mention I have called 911 in excess of 50 times this year about drug dealing on Malden between Wilson and Sunnyside. I saw ONLY 1P.D. RESPONSE!!!! And that was a drive by without a terry search even though I gave full description person activity/where drugs were and my name.

    I am sick of this, "Just because you don't see us dosent mean we aren't responding" generic CAPs meeting answer. It is pure BULL SH*T I've been feed this line for over 3 years now. We have a bluelight camera, people call 911 all day long and the dealers go unchallenged on Magnolia/Wilson/Malden/sunnyside it doesn't take a genius to figure out their MO. What the hell does P.D. think is happening when a banger is walking with a homeless crack addict around the corner. Do they think they're trying to cure cancer together ?!?!

    But hey on the brightside crime is down for the 22nd straight month !!!!


    Here's the condensed version of Weiss's newsconference if you just want the highlights:

