Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Liquor Coming Soon To Target

In case you missed it, this public notice is in the main entrance of Target at Broadway and Sunnyside.


  1. What happened to the moratorium on liquor sales?

  2. The package liquor moratorium is in effect in the area just north of Target. Shiller wanted to "even the playing field" for Aldi to compete with Target by lifting the moratorium, which is in effect on Broadway from Sunnyside to Wilson, and then east on Wilson to Sheridan.

    Another solution might be to not build two competing stores right next to each other, but I'm not an urban planner and Ald. Shiller apparently is [ahem].

  3. A referendum would have been nice.

  4. To be fair, initially Target was not to have grocery that would compete with Aldi.

    I'm not excited about more places to buy liquor, but I am excited about a better place to buy liquor. Hopefully the Target will have a nice selection and continue to maintain good security and store environment.

    The liquor store just down the street on Broadway isn't exactly a great place to grab a bottle of wine. Jewels selection is increasingly pitiful and obviously tailored to certain drinking audience.

    So hopefully this is a good thing.

  5. why a referendum? No law is changed, altered or proposed.

  6. Blogger can't show URLs that are longer than the column width.

    You can go to to convert it to something smaller.

  7. ... for the same reason a referendum was offered on the '08 ballot regarding the public's thoughts on the how the WY TIF funds were to be used.

    Personally, I don't care if Target sells liquor, or not. I'm more concerned with a little consistency in process.

    BTW, D., a lot of things which were initially part of this development haven't quite matched with the reality.

  8. Yo.. here is the link to vote it dry.. for that matter, you can vote ANY ward dry .. So, now you can work on your referendum if you were serious...

  9. I'll stick to Azusa liquors across the street. Cheap, local, and always friendly to me.

  10. What are you all talking about... referendum? You could have been objecting in writing to the department of blah blah blah for the last month. Personally, I haven't because my reaction to this application is "yay!"

  11. Target's liquor license was applied for on October 4th. At least one person tipped Uptown Update about it on October 18th. Weirdly this news didn't get posted until November 4th after the 30 day period to submit written comments to the City of Chicago about the liquor license application had passed.

    I'm all for this at Target, but would have been nice if more UU readers could have had a chance to send a comment to the City along the lines of "I look forward to Target having a liquor license but hope they are restricted from selling single serve beers".

    Being inconsistent on this type of news only plays to the generally unfair "Uptown Update is by yuppies for yuppies" attacks you get from some commenters.

    Or hell, maybe it was Helen's turn to moderate news tips on October 18th and she buried it. Who knows?

  12. Good for you, Target. Now fix your damn escalator problem.
