Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fly Dumpers On The Loose

A reader says:  "Lock your dumpsters ...  Just watched a van pull into my alley and load the neighbors' dumpster with construction debris and speed off. Most companies won't haul construction debris, leaving the condo association or management company to dispose of it themselves, at their own expense."

If you see this, it's a 911 call.  It's called fly dumping and the cops take it seriously.


  1. Where specifically did this occur?

  2. It's annoying. We have people leave stuff in our dumpster all the time. On a weekly basis, they stack their sofas, chairs, toilets, mattresses, boxes and other large bulk items all around our dumpster. Some people are just so irresponsible and unconcerned with others it amazes me. We are then left to figure out how to get rid of it because our regular trash pickup service won't take these items.

  3. We have other buildings around us doing that.They put bags of garbage in them.So I looked for a address on any mail that was in the bags ,when I found the address I called Debbie at streets and san and they gave that building a ticket.

  4. AGoodOne, it's more than annoying--it's illegal. If your building is having THAT much of a problem with dumpers, then you all need to watch for people around your dumpster--take photos, get license plate numbers, and confront them. Call 911 when you see it happening. If you can't do that, then post a sign at or near your dumpster saying "NO DUMPING--AREA UNDER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE" and see if that helps (whether it IS under video surveillance or not doesn't matter if the threat is there). If neither of those options is workable for you, then you're welcome to continue paying to dispose of someone else's trash.

  5. It's a problem ALL OVER the city, not just Uptown.

    But definitely need to be aware of.

    Also, re: furniture...sometimes people will come by and pick it (if it's in usuable shape, or if materials can be sold). So just something to consider. Some of it is freecycling, much of it moght be dumping.

    You should set up some cameras to check.

  6. I don't know what's worse.....random 'stuff' dropped in the alley on Malden, or 'JP Paulus" comments.
    Just so I'm clear.....this guy doesn't live in Uptown, right?

    JP...can you please set up a camera in my Malden/Magnolia alley? I appreciate your concern, and THANKS for doing this for me! Let me know how you want to set this up....

  7. I always called the Chicago Streets & Sanitation office & ask them to help. My building is on the alley. People put everything they can from old chairs, mattresses, kitchen sinks to construction materials up against my garage. Call them and tell them you're not responsible and ask for assistance.

  8. The staff from the rental building next to mine likes to go up and down our alley, leaving filthy mattresses and other large pieces of furniture in and around other buildings' dumpsters.

    One day last summer, I took abut 15 minutes and piled all of the junk up against their back door. The frequency of the dumpings has greatly decreased since then, but not stopped altogether.

  9. The building behind mine at wilson and broadway has been dumping their extra mattresses and toilets next to our dumpster for a long time. WE just got a $100 fine for that. This could happen to anyone. We, unfortunately, are responsible for the space behind our building.
