Thursday, November 18, 2010

Broken Windows: Not Just A Theory Anymore

At CAPS the other night, police mentioned that someone's car had been broken into, and the only things in plain sight were two library books.  Just a reminder, don't leave anything in your car.  Unfortunately, as this reader says, 'tis the season for break-ins.  If you happen to see someone walking down the street looking into parked cars, call 911.

"Two more car windows were broken out overnight Tuesday into Wednesday along Hazel.  This time they were parked directly in front of 4278 Hazel despite two big lights on that building and being under two street lights on that corner.  There have also been windows broken out of cars almost daily along Broadway, especially between Buena and Montrose.  This really has become a daily problem in this area as you can see by the broken glass along the curbs and sidewalks everywhere!"


  1. I saw a car got hit on Lawerence east of Clark last week as well. A lot of car owners/theft victims don't even report it...."whats the use" they say. Its hard to disagree with someone who just got ripped off and wants to get on with their day but reporting does give your neighbors a heads-up to pay attention.

  2. Do they break the windows just for the hell of it, or is it to steal something like the airbag. (I presume people don't have fancy radio in their cars still.) Or are they breaking the windows in order to pop the hood and steal the catalytic (sp?) converters. I hear these are very popular items for thieves.

  3. In my opnion, the break ins, shootings, and other assorted mayhem is 'block-busting' to get the upper classes to move out of Uptown. The busters want to make $ buying 'distressed' property and selling higher.

  4. @ Toto...those are very good questions, sometimes they want to just check out whats in the console or glove box, they don't call it petty crime for nothing. There is no one answer, but very good questions. Questions are a sign of intelligence, certainty is a measure of ignorance Ive been told. As far as catalytic conv. go there are certain models that they prey upon, SUV's are most at risk with the high clearance its easy in/easy out for the thieves. A drop in commodity prices have cooled things a bit. How do I know this...none O anybodys bizness...hahahaha

    @ Tomcat630...Your conspiracy theory goes beyond giving thieves too much credit and rings with a ridiculousness on several levels.
    There have been break-ins before the "upper class" discovered Uptown. I see why so many commentators on this blog are anonymous....they don't want to look stupid. Sometimes a break-in is just a break-in dude.

  5. There have been break-ins before the "upper class" discovered Uptown - JL

    Sorry to break it to you, but living in a condo does not make one "upper class." If you view this group as wealthy, think again.

    Regardless, I don't think any class of people care for crime. If elected officials only started paying attention to public safety once the "upper class" discovered Uptown, then shame on them for ignoring poor people who wanted safety all along.

  6. Tomcat630 said...

    In my opnion, the break ins, shootings, and other assorted mayhem is 'block-busting' to get the upper classes to move out of Uptown. The busters want to make $ buying 'distressed' property and selling higher.

    Thanks Holey Moly... But the "upper classes" quote and theory belong to Tomcat630 just to point out. I was quoting him/her. Personally I find the distinction a bit odd in this context and agree with you, shame on them if so.
    Its a rather ill-informed conspiracy theory to say the least on the part of Tomcat630 (these nicknames are annoying by the way).
    It should not upset you HM that you've agreed with me...its perfectly understandable, cheers.
