Wednesday, November 24, 2010

48th Ward Window Vandal Caught

via Chicagoist:
"Admir Susic, 40, was arrested for the 48th Ward office damage, and charged with two counts of felony criminal damage to property on Nov. 13. He was caught at 5:15 a.m. throwing a piece of concrete at the PNC Bank, 5247 N. Broadway St. Susic allegedly admitted his guilt and said, “Words to the effect of he was fed up with the banks and government since 2001,” according to a CPD spokesman."
photo courtesy Sun-Times


  1. Fed up with banks and the government? Sounds like a good runner for alderman to me.

  2. I can just hear people secretly applauding this guy (especially with banks getting bailouts), though he'll probably get jail time for this.
