Saturday, November 13, 2010

100 Days And Counting

We may have to make more room on the sidebar where we have the aldermanic candidates listed.  (We just added the 47th Ward candidates, thanks to the Welles Park Bulldog.)

A hot rumor has it that 46th Ward Republican Committeewoman Diane Shapiro will be filing her petitions next week. Then there's that just-too-delicious persistent talk that Denice Davis, Ald. Shiller's Chief of Staff, has been gathering signatures.  Befekadu Retta wants to be the first 46th Ward aldermanic wannabe to file his petitions on Monday.

And we keep hearing little references about even more men and women, throughout the ward, who are collecting signatures.... will they have enough? Will they even file?  Stay tuned.

Aldermanic and mayoral petitions must be filed between November 15th and 22nd.  We can't wait to see how it all shakes out by Thanksgiving.


  1. Diane Shapiro:

    I have worked for Cook County for thirty two years

    *sigh* No more career politicians, or anyone else who's made a living "working" in the system.

    Though, I certainly give her and the GOP committee credit, their website URL isn't the name of the committeeman (*cough*tomsharpe*cough*).

  2. I wish Betty Loren Maltese would live and run in our ward. She would surely get my vote.

  3. @ WISEGUY... Brilliant!

    Most of OUR convicted aldermen have to get elected to advance to her exulted and lofty standing.

    With her felony convictions and prison record she would be the dean of the City Council and revered by all the rookie aldermen in no time!
