Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Abandoned Truck Needs Attention

A reader sends in the following photos and info:
"This truck has been abandoned for over 6 months in the parking lot at Winthrop and Lawrence. I have called it into 311 to no avail. Now it has become a homeless shelter (the driver's side window "wing" is busted for easy access) and graffiti magnet. Can u post and see if we can get this hazard out of our neighborhood?"


  1. Twice the underbelly of the truck has been converted into temporary shelter where people have lived for upward of 1-2 weeks. It is also a huge magnet for drug usage and stashing all matter of icky trash. How wonderful would it be for this truck to be removed?

  2. Call 911, not 311; it sounds like this truck is a suspicious vehicle being used for drug transactions.

  3. Call the police station in that area and talk to someone in the tact unit and tell them there might be drug dealing going on-they will get the truck out of there.311 takes to long for some things to get done.

  4. Has anyone called 311? I called and an abandoned vehicle on my street was gone in about a week.

  5. Who owns the parking lot? You can call 311 and 911 all you want, but if the truck is legally parked on private property, you're S.O.L. Take it up with property owner about the nuisance the truck is causing, if you haven't already, and if that doesn't work, bring the subject up at your next CAPS meeting.

    FYI, it's a different matter if an abandoned vehicle is parked on a public right-of-way--the City *can* tow and impound...but we had a car sitting for months in private parking just off our alley with four flat tires, and it sat there until the landlord decided to work on their parking area.

  6. Nothing like having a homeless crack house covered in graffiti a few steps away from 200 children at Christopher think the Alderman, a parent, or someone might want it to go away before a child is hurt

    @ Craig, if you read the article, they said it has been called into 311 for the past 6 months....

  7. Is that a private parking lot? Can the city remove abandoned vehicles if they're not parked on the street?

  8. If it is on a private parking lot-police will not touch it unless something illegal is going on in truck.Are any plates on truck?

  9. Are the tags up to date? If not, it may legally be an abandoned vehicle and the city can tow.

  10. Maybe it is a command center for the DEA recording all the drug deals in the lot.

  11. what street Craig? My roommate's car got towed a while back because someone thought it was abandoned. It was quite frustrating to get it out of impound.

    For this truck, i think calling 911 is for sure the right thing.

    If you call 311 about anything, be sure to make note if what you are calling about presents a danger. I called about some tree grates that i cut my foot on (because they were sticking out of the sidewalk) and they were there within the week.

  12. Streets and Sans was there this morning as I walked by.. the lady in the white SUV..and spoke with whom I believe was the owner of the lot as he was cleaning out a homeless camp (yup, really a camp)... hopefully this is a harbinger of good news on getting this hazard out of our neighborhood...

  13. Found truck ownwer will have truck removed by november 10th

  14. I love how that thing can sit there for 6+ months with all sorts of sketchiness surrounding it, but if my car is on my street 5 minutes past the designated street cleaning time I get a ticket.

  15. Just for future FYI:
    If it's on private property City will not touch it. However- if the tags are expired or it has no valid City sticker- Lincoln Towing WILL TOW IT AWAY FOR FREE. I know this as I've had this done to a vehicle that was abandoned in a private lot.

  16. I for one am glad that they are writing street cleaning violations. My neighbor parked his car in front of my house on street cleaning day which meant that the cleaner could not clean in front of my house. Guess where all the leaves and debris now sits. But comparing cars parked illegally on the street with cars parked in a private lot is comparing apples and oranges.

  17. I wholeheartedly agree with the large paternal one.

    I HATE it when people don't move their cars on street cleaning days.

    Particularly this time of year when I can take advantage of the cleaning to rid my front yard of leaves.

    Otherwise I need to bag them and that waste's time I could use drinking.
