Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ald. Shiller's Farewell

A reader saw this 2007 election flyer today
while walking home and sent it
to us, commenting, "I thought this
tattered and stained  'experience matters'
poster in a shop window was quite
telling. I've been here for 20 years, and
I'm hoping the downward slide stops soon."
We don't remember getting this in email, but Ald. Shiller's website has a farewell letter from her, concluding with the fact that she intends to serve out her entire term, and will stay involved with ward issues after her retirement.

Read Open Letter to 46th Ward Residents here.


  1. You'd think she'd have someone proofread her writing.

    This paragraph is horrendous:

    "For the last 24 years I have approached my responsibility in shaping public policy as well as ensuring an effective delivery of city services to the 46th Ward from the perspective that the best public policy comes from a process that attacks the problem at the point of its most serious manifestation and then identifies solutions from the point of view of those most affected. Often that is those with the fewest resources, but not always. Doing so has allowed me to follow one set of rules for all the people of the 46th Ward."

    I feel like yelling "Godzilla" and running away with a dictionary in my hand.

    In any case the reign of error of Helen Shiller is coming to an end.

  2. Make sure she knows that she can get all the up-to-date info she needs right here at Uptown Update :-))

  3. I wonder if the last couple of years of UU holding her accountable had anything to do with this? Or maybe it was last year's video of street violence and then the follow up from her lack of response? Well, maybe it was because she was almost beaten at the last election and she knew she would lose if she ran again?

    I dunno know. I'm guessing it was all three along with the anger that voters have with just about any incumbent running for re-election.

  4. "For the last 24 years I have approached my responsibility in shaping public policy as well as ensuring an effective delivery of city services to the 46th Ward from the perspective that the best public policy comes from a process that attacks the problem at the point of its most serious manifestation and then identifies solutions from the point of view of those most affected"

    Was this the only way to say this? I had to read it several times.

  5. While old Helens intentions in the beginning may have been pure, the measure of her public service is done as a whole. She figured out a long time ago how to work the system in her favor. In turn she began exploiting the less fortunate and began selling her soul to the devil for personal gain. What she didn't get to control was the influx of people during the last 5 years that didn't need her tit to suckle and saw exactly what she was doing.

    I saw an article the other day on the SunTimes that basically blamed the voters for Rod and Ryan. I disagree with that to some degree. I think that whether it is local or state government, these politicians figure out loopholes for their own public gain. Take a hard look at what the Madigans have done to this state if you don't believe me. I think voters feel that no matter who they choose your basically trying to choose the least amount of pond scum (case in point Kirk and Alexi).

    We need to demand reform from the politicians by holding them accountable and to change the laws. Good luck with that though.

    I will get off my soap box now.

  6. I love how she links to her own versions of the stories covering her retirement, on her website, instead of the original sources.

    Someone might read the comments on how big a disappointment she's been to the residents of the 46th Ward if she linked to, say, Laura Washington's column on the Sun-Times site.

    "Sanitized for your protection," as they say.

  7. Maybe I'm dumb, but I'm SO confused by the farewell letter. I don't get the 'following one set of rules....' line.
    I swear, I've read it 3 times and I'm still confused.

    Who would have thought, I'd need a "Cliffnotes" summation of a simple letter?
