Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ald. Shiller Reacts To Mayor Daley's Announcement

An oldie but goodie illustration from June 2008
"I'm shocked," said Alderman Margaret Laurino. Alderman Helen Shiller, who is in her 24th year on the City Council, said the same thing, adding "I would not have bet money on this."

Read the entire column here, on Politics Daily.


  1. She wouldn't have 'bet money on this'....really?

  2. I think the best thing to say is "Like a rat deserting a sinking ship". With nearly 700 million in deficit (maybe more) this year, the people who do inherit this fiscal mess will have nothing but bills to pay.

  3. Your right that there will be people who inherit this wasteful spending deficit and sadly it will be us through new taxes and fees coming from all sides.

  4. "I would not have bet money on this.."

    Unless of course it was TIF Money, and said money was to be used to build more public housing and a fish farm, then yes she would bet someones money on it.

    True Story.

  5. Helen didn't know? Yeah right. I'm sure its one of the main reasons she chose not to run.

  6. "I would not have bet money on this." - Helen Shiller.

    "Ante up!" - Brendan Shiller.

  7. Apparently our esteemed Aldercritter was actually spotted in her office today. At the front desk area reading a computer. Must be keeping up with the Daley News.

    This report came to me from a neighbor who was walking to Target.

    It's almost like spotting a Yeti in Hawaii. You know it could happen, yet you don't believe it.
