Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tonight's "Singing In The Rain" Postponed Due To Chance Of Rain

From Ald. Gene Schulter:

Dear Neighbors, Due to the strong chance that we really would be singing in the rain, this evening's showing of "Singin' in the Rain" at Chase Park has been canceled. My office is currently working to reschedule the movie and will notify residents as soon as a date has been confirmed.  For more information on the 47th Ward Outdoor Film Festival, please visit http://47thwardfilmfest.blogspot.com/.


  1. How telling an Alderman from another ward is so communicative!

    Rain aside, given the latest 46th Ward news, I feel like the Red Sea has parted.


  2. Where did this message come from? It wasn't on his website or on the film festival's website (which still has no notice that the film was canceled). At least 15 people showed up for the movie last night. There was no sign or anything to indicate that it was canceled. The communication was not great.

  3. It came in an email blast from his office.
