Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just Another Brick In The Wall

The really quick construction is continuing at the new Dominick's flagship store at Foster and Sheridan.  It looks like the fall opening may be a reality.


  1. I cannot wait!!!!! Driving to the nice Dominick's on Ridge is far and the Berwyn Jewel is a check-out congestion headache! I think our new Dominick's will be well worth the wait that I can't wait to walk to... This is such an improvement to the quality of life in our neighborhood and all of our neighbors are excited. Hopefully the Dominick's will be vigilant to ensure the front is not a panhandling nightmare or "just another gang hangout..."

  2. I cannot wait either. Echo everything ken said. We get these nice stores and then they become havens for the homeless.

  3. Are there any job openings where we can apply for jobs yet?

  4. Getting ready to close on my new condo right there on I'm stoked it could open in the fall!

  5. Doesn't look all that different than my post a month ago on the ECB. A user stated the workers may be on strike???

  6. The strike appears to be over. I noticed people working at the construction site over the last two weeks.

  7. Since I go by it everyday... I can tell you for certain that much progress has been made after the construction strike was over the 3rd week in July. I can't wait until it opens. I'm also looking forward to seeing the one being built near Lincoln and Foster which is ahead of this one, which will be similar to this and open late Sept.
