Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Illinois Observer: Greg Harris Will Not Seek Aldermanic Appointment


State Rep Greg Harris will not run for Helen Shiller's 46th ward seat, mum on endorsement.  "Alderman Helen Shiller’s surprise retirement announcement dramatically altered the 46th ward political landscape and intensified efforts by community leaders to recruit State Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) to jump into the race, but Harris has turned aside the entreaties."


  1. Yeah,

    welp I guess Greg didn't want to have to face real opposition.

    Has anyone ever run against him?

    Personally, I'd rather be alderman than a state legislator.

    It pays better and you don't have to spend much time in Springfield.

    Of course being a state legislator is relatively low profile so you could still go out and about without damn bloggers yelling "arrrrgh" at you.

  2. I like Greg.

    Even though I do think he'd do well in the alderman's office, I prefer having someone in Springfield who isn't a complete waste of oxygen.

    If Greg's gig is to get traction on marriage equality, then more power to him.

  3. I am against all marriage. Gay or straight.

    As for Greg Harris he likely would be an OK alderman.

    Personally I want a state legislator who is going to take on the entrenched Mike Madigan machine.

    That would be interesting.

  4. Harris would lose in February. Keep flucking that chicken "community leaders".
