Thursday, June 3, 2010

National Donut Day Friday (Have A Freebie)

Friday is National Doughnut Day, a designation created over 70 years ago to honor the "Doughnut Ladies” of WWI who brought baked goods to the front lines.  You can celebrate this momentous occasion with a freebie:  Dunkin Donuts will be giving out a free donut with any beverage purchase, all day long.  As far as we know, Uptown's Dunkins are participating:
- Broadway and Wilson
- Broadway and Winona
- Montrose and Clark
- Broadway and Irving Park

If you're lucky enough to be by a Krispy Kreme, stop there for a free doughnut as well (no purchase required).


  1. In Canada every day is Doughnut Day... Well, minus the free bit. But considering the size of North Americans in general, it hardly seems necessary.

    I miss Tim Hortons. They've been slowly invading the United States, so maybe one day soon...

  2. Don't forget the newish DD at Irving Park and Broadway! I know it's technically at or past the cusp of Uptown, but it's a property that's been covered here previously and who doesn't want to help newish businesses?

  3. I love Tim Horton's!

    Candice you should import a dozen or so, and serve them to your beloved 'graffiti artist' buddies, and the
    sidewalk drunks! Let's make crime up here quirky and fun!

  4. Hah, I never realized my abbreviated username said aloud sounded so....wrong

    I fear IrishPirate's debauchery is infiltrating my mind! ::run away::

  5. I think you people have misunderestimated me. I dislike the majority of what would be considered graffiti, including graffiti art. Besides, there are few to zero writers in Uptown that I would call artists. It's mostly fugly gang tags. Anyway, stay on topic.

  6. Candice, procure us some Tim Horton's and all is forgiven. ;-)

  7. I'm going to Toronto soon, and I'll be driving back. I think the closest Tim Hortons on the way is somewhere in Michigan, so doughnuts would probably be stale by the time I got to Chicago. Luckily, I'm not in need of forgiveness, so I'll probably just get myself a bagel. (I worked at Tim Hortons too long to be able to eat the actual doughnuts any more.)

  8. The nearest Tim Horton's is near Ann Arbor, MI I think... right off of 94. I've made it back with non-stale donuts before :)

  9. My fiancee is Canadian and we love Timmy's.

    Actually, the nearest Tim Hortons is in Lansing, MI. :) I talked to the owners of that store and they said they were the farthest west in the US!

    They also told me that Timmy's is looking to expand into Chicago, and that they'd likely start at the airport given all the Canadians that fly through Chicago.

  10. Good luck on finding any cops on the beat today. Your best bet is call the doughnut shop for help...

  11. We used to give the cops free coffee and doughnuts at Timmy's every day of the year. Since there was approximately one Tim Hortons per block where I lived, it made for pretty decent police distribution and presence.

  12. Thanks Dunkin. I had my usual Boston Creme.

  13. i went to the DD at bway and irving and i was not given a free donut they charged me for it!
