Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cappleman Announces Campaign Kick-Off

James Cappleman For
46th Ward Alderman
Campaign Kick-Off And Garden Clean-up

Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Sunnyside Garden Mall (Malden & Sunnyside intersection)

"Join us if you are one of the many in the 46th ward that knows it takes more than just talk to clean up our neighborhoods and build a better future for all residents.  Bring your time and energy to speak with James and his partner Richard Thale, mingle with your neighbors or join us as we work on one of the many garden plots in the ward."


  1. YES YES Cappleman and lets get it on. I support you 100% and I hope others in Uptown do also and finally get Helen Shiller and her rude staff out and gone.....

  2. I agree. Alderman are elected people and most need to understand the term customer service. An elected official is a SERVANT of the people who elected you. This is a democracy and you can be removed out of office just as easily as you were elected.

    Every interaction with the Shiller & Co. alderman office has been horrible. I find it utterly amazing that anyone in this day an age feels they are immune from the public.

  3. This is a democracy and you can be removed out of office just as easily as you were elected.

    Actually, this is a democratic republic; and, at least in Illinois, it's nearly impossible to remove an incumbant due to creative campaign "tactics", very loose election "laws" and a lack of a formal "recall" process (yes, Heather, I'm still pissed about that).

    But, I'm with ya in spirit.

  4. Well I figured the Capplemaniac wouldn't run in the face of the Gerald Farinas juggernaut. Those gay Alan Keyes supporters are a small, but fierce group. Sorta like the "killer rabbit" from Monty Python......with nasty big teeth.

    Seriously, it should be a fun campaign.

    My latest semi ill informed guess is that Shiller aint gonna run. My current theory, subject to change based on new rumors or the amount of alcohol I have in my system, is that Nowatny is her candidate.

    My thinking is Shiller realizes her chances of reelection are small and wants to keep her archnemesis, THE CAPPLEMANIAC, out of office.

    Craig Gernhardt's comment last week on two high profile Shiller supporters being on "Team Don" makes me think that is a strong possibility.

    Plus I know for a FACT that Daley is planning to run. I got that from someone whose DNA closely matches King Richard the HouseCathearted. He's already putting together his finance and campaign team.

    Given the economy,parking meters and all the other scandals out there Richard the Lesser is worried about being reelected. That being so his modus operandi would be to get weak alderman who support him to "retire" or take another job. My guess is that Shiller, Stone, and a few others either have been approached about not running or will be approached by Daley supporters.

    If that scenario turns out to be true we'll have a Cappleman, Nowatny, Carroll race with the strong possibility of 1-3 others jumping in.

    My guess is that it will be a four man(I mean person) race. I'm not considering Farinas as a factor and will be surprised if he gets on the ballot. Perhaps I am underestimating his appeal.

    As I said the fun is in the future.

  5. Irish-

    What would be her motivation to back "Notworthy"? If daMare wanted his guy in place he would do it himself.

    Jealousy that she cant win?
    Puppet for the machine?

    If she gets a cushy new job that gets her a second pension, why would she care about installing her guy into her luke-warm aldermanic seat? Plus he has publicly stated that he is stopping publicly funded low income housing, which completely goes against how Helen has stayed in office. Seems fishy (pun intended)...wink wink Helen.

  6. Eye in Da Sky,

    The Nowotny move of coming out against additional public housing in da ward was the right political move.

    Just because he said it doesn't mean he meant it. Although, my guess is that if he does become alderman that would be his policy. Given the demographics of the ward and the economy it's the right statement.

    Plus it lets him claim he is not in cahoots with Shiller. Perhaps he isn't in cahoots with Shiller. Perhaps like Oddball in "Kelly's Heroes" he is a righteous and hopeful dude. I kinda doubt it though. Of course I may be giving off some negative waves there.

    It's possible Shiller sees Nowatny as the best way to keep Cappleman out of office and perhaps keep some of her office staff employed. Perhaps........all speculation.

    When I comment on such things I always try to make it clear when I'm speculating and when I know something to be fact. This is speculation.

    We'll see how this all plays out.

  7. Well EVERYBLOCK led me to an interesting link. Everyone's favorite Rogers Park right wing nutjob,Tom Mannis, has an interesting factoid regarding the Capplemaniac campaign. Apparently, a political professional named Lauren Peters will be running the campaign this time around. She formerly worked for a group committed to getting gay candidates elected.

    I guess that confirms it............Cappleman is gay!

    By the way since Mannis has much offensive stuff on his website some of you may want to consider never reading UU again if they post this.

    Mannis also talks about five candidates. This is gonna be fun to watch.

    It's even more clear that Cappleman is going to be hard to beat. Abandon all hope, both of ye who support Gerald Farinas!

  8. Excellent report, great analysis. Oh wait, there was no analysis.

  9. "Irish Pirate" (profile not available due to cowardice) misused the word "factoid," which actually means a falsehood presented as truth, to refer to my accurate report that Lauren Peters was taken on by James Cappleman to run his aldermanic campaign. It's not a "factoid," it's a fact. Ms. Peters was Jim Madigan's campaign manager in his primary election run against Rep. Heather Steans. IP, whose failed blog can no longer be found, took an unprovoked cheap shot at me by falsely stating that I am a "Rogers Park right wing nutjob." (The "right wing nutjob" moniker I can live with, but I take great offense to the "Rogers Park" part of that dig. I no longer live in that neighborhood, thank God.)

    IP then wades into deeper weirdness by advising his/her readers that, "since Mannis has much offensive stuff on his website some of you may want to consider never reading UU again if they post this." Okay, I honor free speech and if IP finds my political rants offensive so be it. However, IP provided a link to my blog (Chicago News Bench), which seems to contradict his/her own implied advice to not read it. Deeper yet, IP unfairly chides readers of UU to never read them again if they published his/her comment. If IP really finds my stuff so offensive, one wonders why he/she so faithfully visits reads it (StatCounter is a wonderful tool).

    Tell me, please: Does IP's comment sound like something that a completely rational person would write? I think not.

  10. Tell me, please: Does IP's comment sound like something that a completely rational person would write? I think not.

    Not sure you're qualified to make that judgement.
