Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Writing's On The Wall (And Dog Park, And Sidewalks....)

Lake Effect News covered the 2313 CAPS meeting last week, and reveals community concerns about the Conservative Vice Lords, those little rascals, leaving their ungrammatical scribbling on everything, including the sidewalks, the golf course, and dog park.  Read about it here.

1 comment:

  1. For your information.....
    Conservative Vice Lords or in this area Uptown Lords. 15000+ members.
    In the 70`s most feared gang on the wst side. Owned at least 7 legal businesses in the 3700 W 16th street area. Still own some across Chicagoland as fronts for their illegal activity.
    Symbols 5 pointed star. Bunny with a bowtie tattoo to name a few...
    Their saying is if you aint conservative U don`t deserve to live.
    I say everyone must do everything to cleanup and cleanout these low-lifes by calling 911 whenever possible. They will and have been doing much harm to our area and we must try and stop them before they make our streets more unsafe then they all ready are this summer...
