Friday, May 14, 2010

Pickaxe Party?

"Attempted fisticuffs"?  Whoever brought this to the neighborhood must have thought he needed to climb a mountain to get away from the tomfoolery! 

A reader sends in this photo and says "Here is a photo of a pickaxe I picked up last night on the parkway in front of my building on Kenmore; I'm assuming it was part of the attempted brawl.  Thank you for posting the videos and stories about the brawl.  My wife was walking down Kenmore when 15-20 people ran past her holding sticks and other weapons.  There is something really wrong when you can't walk down a quiet residential street at 5:45 in the evening."

We continue to be horrified by the weaponry that was brought to this near-brawl; it's a clear escalation from the baseball bats and golf clubs used in last year's street riots.  Response from the alderman?  Maybe in about ten days.


  1. Just a couple prospectors looking for da gold.

  2. Dere's gold in dem dere TIFs.

    Detective Tom Polhaus: [picks up the falcon] Heavy. What is it?
    Sam Spade: The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.
    Detective Tom Polhaus: Huh?

  3. Ban pickaxes!! That will solve the problem.

  4. At least pickaxes don`t fire bullets!!!!

  5. My hero Henry Rollins said it best at a recent spoken word show that the answer to many of society's ills is education. If we didn't allow people to fall through the cracks and embrace stupidity, this sort of garbage wouldn't happen. Imagine a world without the kind of mindless, lowest common denominator pop culture we have right now. Jazz and world music, quality music of any kind would fly off the shelves and rappers would be broke. Just imagine!
