Saturday, April 17, 2010

Uptowners Out In Full Force For Clean & Green

A reader from Margate Park sends in the following pic and info:

"So happy this morning to see a lot of my Margate Park neighbors organizing a park cleanup! They were cleaning, gardening, as well as spreading mulch. That's one GREAT way to step up and do something to make our beloved Uptown look great!"

UU Note: Any news on the Clean & Green in other parts of Uptown?


  1. Truman Square Neighbors also participated in a Clean & Green event this morning. Additionally, neighbors who have a garden plot at Winthrop Avenue Family Historical Garden were out in force weeding and sowing.

  2. I didn't join a group, but I picked up trash on my own; on my way to Puptown with my dog, and then later I came home and picked up the trash on my street. Felt great to do, and I think I'll make a habit of doing it regularly. It makes me sad to see so much garbage on the streets of my beautiful neighborhood.

  3. Any see Ron Durham and Couraj out there planting any flowers?

    If not, I want JUSTICE.

  4. NUNA (North Uptown Neighbors Association, NW of Lawrence and Broadway) was out!!!

  5. It makes me sad to see so much garbage on the streets of my beautiful neighborhood.

    I thought Don was making Uptown's streets shiny.

    Maybe not so much.

  6. we had dozens of folks at Buttercup Playlot (Sheridan/Ainslie). Neighbors from several blocks as well as teachers and students from adjacent McCutcheon Elementary. The event was sponsored by Buttercup Playlot Advisory Council. Several block clubs provided snacks. The park now looks great and it was fun to meet all our neighbors.
