Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nowotny In Race For Alderman?

Read all about it at Lake Effect News


  1. I shall repost my thoughts from an earlier thread so that more can bask in the sugary delight that is my brain process.

    Yes, boys and girls, ladies and gents, the rumors about Nowotny running are apparently true.

    I have a hard time imagining him running without the "consent" of Helen Shiller so take that as you may. Ward Superintendents are likely "exempt" positions and without the aldermanic support I imagine they would be "toast".

    I will be crying in my Murphy's Irish Stout over Shiller likely "retiring".

    If this turns out to be true it's going to be an interesting race. Perhaps St. Helen of Wilson Yard will retire after the grand opening of her glorious Wilson Yard project and be replaced by Ward Superintendent Man.

    Cappleman, Farinas, Carroll, Nowotny, and there are at least 3 others squawking about running. Two males and one female.

    That almost guarantees a runoff with that many candidates. I might have to get that sex change operation and run as a female. Like States Attorney Alvarado I could win simply by being the only female in the race.

    Does anyone know the cost of a fully body wax? Think Robin Williams only hairier and less manic.

    I'm wondering if I should wear high heels or flats. I think I'll go with the Toni Preckwinkle look. School teacherish. People dig that.

  2. Does he have the Daley nod? If Shiller is bowing out, won't she likely retire early so that Daley can appoint someone?

  3. Meg,

    those are two of the questions of the day. Along with the eternal questions like "who wrote the book of love?" and "President Palin? Shit you gotta be kidding me."

    Of course this could all be part of some grand Shillerista conspiracy which would bring to mind one of the great lines from the movie "Major Dundee":

    Sierra Charriba: PONY SOLDIER! I am Sierra Charriba! Who you send against me now?

    Which of course from the movie "Shillerista: The Musical" would be morphed to:

    Helen Shiller: CONDO OWNER! I am Helen Shiller! Who you send against me now?

    Thankfully, near the end of "Major Dundee" Sierra Charriba is defeated and since I'm going to be the writer for "Shillerista: The Musical" you can count on a similarly joyous ending.

    ON a more serious note it seems likely that, conspiracy theories and all, Helen Shiller is not planning to run again.

    As in most things in life time will tell.

  4. When is the deadline to declare candidacy?

  5. Here's what I think, my buccaneer compadre.

    1. I agree - Nowotny doesn't do jack without running it by Helen first. She gave him the OK means she either isn't running, or Don's a stalking horse of some type.

    2. His web site seems a bit barren. Most candidates probably put very little info on the web until things get hot and heavy, but maybe it's because he won't need to. If Helen does retire, and the throne is bequeathed to Don via Da Mare, there's no sense in putting a bunch of issues up on the web for Da Mare's people to get their undies in a bundle over.

    3. What does Don think about TIFs? Wilson Yard? Is there anything he would have done differently than Helen? If so, what would that be? Great questions to ask Don when and if he avails himself to voters. If Don becomes the anointed one, he doesn't really have any room to move on distancing himself from Helen and Da Mare, both of whom are kinda not too popular with a large swath evil condo owners.

    4. Don himself is an evil condo owner with an MBA from Northwestern to boot. If he tries to win over the fellow evil condo owner vote, will he alienate the non-evil, non-condo owner vote?

    Of course, my opinion is worth what the cost of reading this blog is, which is...

    There's an interesting 10 months coming, that you can take to the bank.

  6. Abhay,

    ask and thou shall receive.

    Under current law the filing deadline is December 13th.

    Minimum number of signatures for the 46th Ward will be 226 registered voters.

    Now there is a move afoot in the General Assembly to change the requirements.

    Read about that here.

    I refuse to hyperlink because I am so saddened by the prospect of Shiller not running.

    Woe is me.

    I am like Ahab without Moby Dick.

    Conan without Leno.

    White Sox fans without Cubs fans.

  7. He's Shiller's shill, not Shiller's rival or successor.

    Wikipedia definition of a Shill: The term is also used to describe a person who is paid to help a political party or other advocacy organization to gain adherents; as with the situation of selling goods or services, the shill gives the impression of being unrelated to the group in question, and gives the impression that he or she finds merit in the ideological claims of the political party.

  8. An Alderman would never hand off the office to a city worker - particularly a streets and San man- nor would the surrounding party politicians allow that to happen.

    The lowest local politician on the political ladder is the Illinois State Rep. Chicago Alderman is a political step above, has better pay, and doesn't require constant downstate travel.

    If Shiller were going to de-dethrone herself and not give her spot to a family member, then the State Rep would run for the office. This stuff doesn't just happen. There are 3 viable political parties that are operating in the Uptown sphere and they would make sure that they could move their player up the chain.

  9. The campiagn against Shiller should have been started April 2007.

    Having multiple candidates, and then most likely a runoff, will only be beneficial against Shiller if all opponents immediately & enthusiastically support the runner up.

    In 1999, it seemed to hurt Sandra Reed's campaign with Katharine Nathan didn't provide much support until late in the runoff race. Cindi Anderson, on the other hand, immediately & enthusiastically supported Sandra Reed's continued campaign.

    Why are there so many apparent candidates for 2011 (as opposed to rallying behind a single candidate, such as James Cappleman).

    Regular campaigns have a primary (which energizes the base), and then a general, where the two groups you are reaching are your base 9to get them to come out), and independents, who have legitimate reasons to vote for either candidate.

    Previous campaigns seemed to have ignored the possibility of an indepdent voter, which i calculate at about 500 votes...very small, but will determine the winner of a particular race.

  10. Here's something else I wonder about Don.

    He says he'd do a better job at business development and public safety than Helen has done. After all, he's got an MBA from Northwestern, and well, that just means...

    I don't know what that means, except that Don spent some serious cash to get a piece of paper with a seal of some sort on it, and he put that MBA to great use "making the streets shiny" or something like that.

    BTW, the ward looks positively awful when compared to surrounding wards, so I don't think that's an accomplishment he should brag about. A few photos of overflowing garbage cans, empty bottles of booze in the gutters, etc, should put that bit of self promotion to bed.

    But I digress.

    My real point is that for the past 16 years, he's watched Helen botch the job on the business development public safety fronts, but hasn't spoken up until now, when he decides to make a run for the position of Alderbeast?

    You can't be beholden to Helen for a decade and a half, then all of a sudden start piping up without looking foolish, can you?

    Well, maybe in a country where 23% of people think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president, the answer could be "yes, you can".

    Maybe that should be Don's campaign slogan - "Yes, you can."

    But I digress again.

    The only line of defense I can come up with is that Don's not been on the same page as Helen for a very long time, and only now has he gotten to the point where "he just can't take it anymore, and HAS to run" to make good on all those years of toeing the line and fiddling while Rome burns.

  11. Here's a crazy idea...maybe it's a test run for St. Rep.

    They can analyze the results of the election. If he does well in the Northern Part of the ward, he could get a shot at State Rep (and break than 48th ward machine). Or if not, then move on to something else. (Or maybe Cook COunty Commissioner?)
