Sunday, April 18, 2010

A New "Canvas" For Taggers

Here is another reason to hate the new parking meters (this one near Wilson and Kenmore). As always, call 311 when you see this and give the address of the closest business.


  1. there's also latin kings tagging on the JJ Peppers back door (the alley just west of sheridan) I called 311.

  2. This brings to mind the classic joke:
    Good News - Your mother-in-law just drove off a cliff
    Bad News - In your new car

    In other words, as bad as "tagging" is, there's a certain satisfaction to be found in seeing that those much-hated pay boxes are the "victims." Cool Hand Luke - this one's for you!

  3. Just to add some quantifiable data to the overall tag/graffiti argument ... Graffiti Blasters work from a $9M annual budget.

    While compared to how much money the city spends annually, $9M may not seem like much; but, it's $9M spent cleaning up after a group of nit-wits which could certainly be better spent, elsewhere.

    Thank you, taggers ... your infantile urges to make your mark on society is done so at the expense of other social programs.

    Hope you morons are happy.

  4. Why are the pay boxes hated? I like being able to use a credit card and like being able to take my receipt to another parking spot in the area if I have multiple places to go and time left on the receipt.

  5. The parking boxes represent the lowest of lows in how the city of Chicago operates.

    Granted, some improvements have been made (as a result of overwhelming public anger ... granted); but, the fact remains, we sold a choice piece of revenue for pennies on the dollar, and what money we did "make" from the deal is already gone (75 years ahead of schedule, I might add).

    Well, not "we", of course ... the folks in council.

    Well, not all of the folks in council - just the ones who bothered to show up for the vote.


    Regardless, there's still no excuse for the under-educated, disrespectful, troglodytic morons to splatter what few words they do know across public property.

  6. I hate them because I can't add time onto the meter. Nope, if I decide to stay longer in the area, I have to wait until the meter expires to add more time. That sucks.

  7. The old meters got tagged plenty. I don't know how the calculation works out as far as change in total meter surface area goes, but we can probably expect no more than one or two tags per meter regardless of size, in which case this could represent a reduction in the total number of tags. But more likely, the taggers continue to tag at the same average rate, and are simply writing on whatever surface is available.

    Somewhat related: some girl got my back door with a Sharpie last week. I think it adds a certain je ne sais quoi... (and apparently disses the Gangster Disciples)

  8. I think it adds a certain je ne sais quoi

    Good for you.

    You're still renting, right?

  9. 'twas sarcasm! Gang tags are fugly.

    Yes, I rent. We'll inform the landlord, but considering there's a piece of graffiti directly across from our door from 1987 (!), I doubt he'll do anything about it! I'll probably go at it with the regular solvents. Acetone usually works pretty well.
