Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clark Streetscape Begins

We've received several reports from readers that construction cones and no parking signs are out on Clark from Montrose north to Ainslie in anticipation of the upcoming Clark streetscape project.
Ald. Schulter's website has lots of info on the streetscape and a .pdf that can be downloaded showing what to expect with new lighting, benches and new side street identifiers. This should look great when completed.

No info on Ald. Shiller's site about upcoming streetscaping on Broadway from Montrose northward, rumored to even continue into Ald. Smith's ward. Will our prayers be answered with a Wilson Avenue streetscaping? No info on Ald. Shiller's site either but there have been rumblings.


  1. I moved into Gene's ward six years ago, and I think I got a notice about the streetscape my first month here(or at least it seems that way)

    So I don't know if rumblings are any indication of actual work getting done.

  2. Now if we could just get some of those Merchants to remove those burglar changes from their windows...we might have a respectable hood!

  3. @Stash
    I agree that would make Clark look better, but can see why business owners find it necessary: one example

  4. @stash - unfortunately, it typically works like this - good hard working people move in, misfits and gang bangers move out, cages then come off the doors. Just walk four blocks North or South. ;)

    She enables the sh*t the occurs along these streets. Period.

  5. Wow, let's hope this is happening. That section of Clark is in bad need of repair.

    Separately, does anyone have any updates on the Black Ensemble Theater moving into the building at Clark & Sunnyside?

    Hopefully this activities leads to some revitalization of that area.

  6. Yeah, the strip right between Montrose and Sunnsyside particularly on the east side of the street is all decaying and abandoned storefronts. It looks awful.

    And the trading companies a block north of it looks so alive in the daytime, and looks like such a ghost town at night. It's the strangest part of Clark Street.

  7. I just called the Alderman’s Office and one of his office workers said that the Alderman has a final meeting with CDOT and hopes to start any day now. I also asked how long the project might take (weeks, months, years?) because the website has the strip broken into stages and he said a few months. What great news for that blighted area! It’s not every day we can call the Alderman for happy reasons!
