Thursday, March 11, 2010

YoChicago Visits Margate Park, Part 2


  1. Alright, I gotta know, is YoChicago related to yo60640?

  2. Well that was PAINFULLY boring. Can someone explain the point of this vid? Clearly, I missed it.

  3. Sure, Bromance, what would you like to know? You may have missed the first part, which UU posted earlier this week. Our site covers residential real estate throughout the city and suburbs; on Sunday I drove up to stop by some of the open houses in Margate Park and decided I'd keep the camera rolling as I wound through some of the streets. Our readers, many of whom live in far-flung neighborhoods, other cities, or out-of-state, enjoy some context for the homes they see in our posts -- streetscapes, major thoroughfares, etc. -- hence the drive-around videos. Naturally, it would be nice to have a neighborhood native in the car to offer a little more insider insight, but we do the best we can do with our limited staff. Any other questions?

    WindyCityEagle -- no relation, to my knowledge.

  4. Pure happenstance.

    My bad for any confusion.
