Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Movie Filming On Wilson

A reader sends in the following pic and info:
"I was walking home from work tonight and noticed "No Parking" signs posted on Wilson between Malden and Beacon. They mention that towing is enforced March 10 from 12pm till 4pm on March 11 for a movie location. Does anyone know what is filming here?"

Another reader writes in:
"Came home to a sign indicating "Funny Little Man Productions" will be filming a TV presentation on Malden tomorrow and Thursday. Can't find a website for the production company. Any idea what is being filmed?"


  1. http://journal-topics.com/dp/10/dp100305.1.html

  2. So over the weekend we saw who we thought was Vince Vaughn near the corner of Wilson and Malden. We dismissed it at the moment, but I guess he was scouting the location.

  3. Yep. I'm actually going out to Des Plaines in a little bit to watch him filming in downtown Des Plaines starting at 3am and going until possibly 4pm Wednesday. I guess I could see them filming twice on the same day.


  4. imdb.com says the Ron Howard film, "Your Cheating Heart", shoots this Spring in Chicago. brian Grazer is producing and Kevin James is rumored to co star.

  5. "Funny Little Man" - hmmm, wonder if this is some kind of tribute to Charlie Chaplin, whose first movie studio was in Uptown on Argyle St.

  6. Not sure of what's being filmed - but it's definitely got something to do with Vince Vaughn. He's been by The Cupcake Gallery a few times and someone came in yesterday to tell me they want to take my sign down...I hope they're paying for a new one! *crosses fingers*

  7. Oh, Darius, get a signed 8x10 to display like dry cleaners do! Too cool.

  8. Darius,

    last time I saw a photo of Vince Vaughn it looked like he was large enough to keep you in business for awhile.

    During past Chicago trips VV has hung out at the Holiday Club.

  9. They have started towing cars, as of 15 minutes ago.

  10. I just walked right by VV. He and 5 others were entering the building that houses the Cupcake Gallery and Fontana.
