Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm The Mommy, That's Why

We vaguely remember a promise last summer that nothing, absolutely nothing, would be done regarding Wilson Yard without community input and notice.  Well, we've looked and looked for this on Ald. Shiller's website, and we've been waiting for an email blast, but ... check musta gotten lost in the mail.  Anyone else remember that promise?

If you want to know what's going on with Wilson Yard and its TIF, gotta go to the neighborhood blog.  That's not keeping a promise, Alderman.

Here's the latest with Wilson Yard.  Remember, you read it here first:
  • Amendment No. 2 to the WYTIF passed.  Parcels have been removed from the TIF, presumably for the formation of a brand new Maryville TIF for that hard-to-market prime lakefront land on Montrose.  (Our favorite part:  "It is desirable and in the best interest of the citizens of the City for the City to amend the Redevelopment Plan and decrease the Original Area."  Wasn't that exactly what Fix Wilson Yard was saying and what Ald. Shiller and Peter Holsten fought so hard against?)
  • "02/04 1:00 pm.  Community leaders from the Leaders from the JUMP UP collaborative to meet with Alderman and Mayors Office regarding community jobs at the Wilson Yard!"  Why is this only appearing on the website of Shiller lockstep toadies, O.N.E.?  Why the secrecy?  Why not shout this from the rooftops?
Pay-to-play, secrets, favoritism.  In other words, business as usual, not to be known by the people who are paying for your follies.  Where's that promised transparency, Ald. Shiller?


  1. "Why not shout it from the rooftops?"

    I think you just did.

  2. I think you just did.


    Which is why a smart-ass'd community blog is gaining more trust

    Just think of the PR coup the alderman could conduct if she didn't have others keeping her promises for her.

  3. Exactly, Gayle.

    Who should be the one telling folks 70% of their property taxes are being diverted to a TIF -- then, oops!, they're not!

    Who's should be telling the community (whose moeny is paying for this hundred million dollar project) that jobs are being created and there are openings available, in case they may want to apply?

    Hint: The answer isn't a few locals who post on a blog. I would think it should be the public servant who swore she'd keep everyone in the loop and operate under full transparency.

  4. Mommy Shiller is the evil stepmother and we're the Cinderellas who get to work and pay taxes to support Mommy Shiller's favorite offspring.

  5. I heard on WBEZ today about an affordable housing restricting lawsuit currently in Logan Square that is similar to FWY! It will be interesting how that one pans out!

  6. Cowardice, ignorance, or sloth are the only explanations for not communicating with constituents.

  7. tif needs to be transparent, our tax money is not a private matter, say no to TIFs without transparency
